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Hey friends.... Surprised to see me so soon...

Well I myself m surprised 😂😂😂

But its a teaser & not an update. But the update will also b there soon.

But before that I just want to clear a mistake I made in the previous update.

Anjali is no more pregnant. She had already lost her baby on her godhbharai only. But it slipped out of my mind. But now I have corrected the mistake in the previous update.

I don't want any kind of hurdle in Arnav's revenge plan against Shyam. The baby would have kept it on halt. But good I remembered about Anjali's miscarriage.

Hope there won't b any confusion friends. Sorry for the inconvenience 🙉🙉

Now enjoy the teaser.....


Hearing to Khushi's words Arnav felt nostalgic.

He closed his eyes to remember his childhood incident.

He saw a 12 year old Arnav with his mamma in their garden in Sheesh Mahal, plucking flowers for morning pooja.

While plucking a rose, it's thorn pricked in his mamma's finger & blood drops oozed out.

She hissed for a second but that was enough for the possesive son to get angry on that rose & he snatched it from his mamma's hand & crushed it mercilessly pouring his anger on it for hurting his mamma.

His mamma was stunned to see his reaction. She stopped Arnav from doing so & asked him the reason for getting angry on the harmless flower.

He replied intensely. "This rose hurt you mamma & I can't bear it. I can't see you in pain. So I punished it for hurting you."

The mother in Ratna was happy to see her son's possesiveness & love for her. But as a humanbeing she was scared of his anger & his lookout towards the situation.

As a mother its her duty to make him see sense. Make him understand the difference between right & wrong.

She lovingly cupped her Chhote's cheeks with both her hands & said, "Chhote it wasn't the rose which pricked me. It was its thorn which pricked on my finger & hurt me. You shouldn't have punished the rose for the thorn's mistake Chhote."

"So what mamma the thorn is also a part of the rose only. So the rose is equally at fault & that's why I punished it." He replied adamantly.

Ratna smiled shaking her head at her son's immaturity. But she has to make him understand.

"Yes Chhote, the thorn is a part of the rose. So its our duty to be careful while plucking the rose that we don't touch the thorn & let it hurt us. If we find any thorn on the rose we plucked, then we should get rid of that thorn from the rose & throw it away, not the rose. The rose is innocent & harmless. We cannot punish the rose for the thorn's fault. Always remember this thing Chhote. This will help you to take proper decisions in similar situations in life too." She explained kissing her Chhote's forhead lovingly.

Arnav though didn't understand his mamma's words completely but he understood that the rose was not at fault & he shouldn't have punished it.

He apologized to his mamma for his mistake." I'm sorry mamma. I won't do it again.

His mamma was very happy to hear this. There was a contended smile on her face which made her Chhote smile too.

Slowly slowly Arnav opened his eyes & his mamma's smiling face started to fade simultaneously. But ultimately her face merged with his Khushi's smiling face who was standing infront of him.

That was a moment of euphoria for Arnav.

He now understood the real meaning behind his mother's words.

He pulled Khushi in a bone crushing hug.


So guys, how did you find the teaser?
Do let me know.

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