Part - 8 Shocking Revelation

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Hello all u lovely readers 🙋

Thank u so much for voting & commenting on the previous update. Love you all 😘😘

Now here's the next part. Enjoy 😃


Both were enveloped in each other's arms, basking in the warmth of their proximity. Not wanting to let go the other.

But where Khushi was happy thinking that she got her love back, Arnav was just wanting to savor this last moment of togetherness.

Arnav's hands were busy caressing her back & inhaling her jasmine fragrance satiating his lungs to last for a life time.

Suddenly Khushi remembered all his accusations & she pushed him off of her in the next second.

"How dare you Arnavji? How could you? How could you even utter those vile words to me?" She pushed against his chest with all her strength.

"No matter what your intentions were!! Didn't you once think of me before spitting such disgust for me over the phone?" She slammed her palms against his hard muscles. Her eyes pool of love & hurt.

Arnav caught hold of her delicate wrists, stopping the barrage of her complains. She tried to wriggle out of his grip but in vain. Her eyes revealed her love & anguish. He could see that sense of betrayal had cut her to the core.

The pain of loosing him was sharper then the pain of his harsh words. He couldn't bear to see her anguish & pulled her back into his arms. She tried to free herself from his strong hold but her attempt turned futile & she clung to him exhausted.

"Khushi, I know I have hurt you with my words but I had no other option. How could I marry you when I know your amma is responsible for my mamma's death? How could I keep you happy when my & di's childhood & happiness was ruined by your amma?" He told her, still holding her in his embrace.

" How could I betray my mother's love & make a mockery of her death by bringing you in her house Khushi?"

Khushi pulled herself back & looked into his eyes with her hurt ones.

He hissed seeing the hurt flash through her eyes. He knows his words are cutting her within but he has to do it.
But he can make it a little less hurtful.

"Besides that, what about you Khushi? What if after marriage my love for you turns in disgust & I again become cruel & terrible with you & make you go through the same hell all over again?" He tried his best to explain his turmoil.

Tears filled her eyes & poured down her cheeks.

Understanding his concern, she moved forward killing the distance between them. Holding his hand tried to explain him.

"No Arnavji, it won't happen again. I know my Arnavji. You are not the same rude, arrogant & ruthless ASR anymore. You have changed Arnavji. Our love has changed you." She tried to put some sense in his thick head.

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