Chapter Two- Cross Country

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As Jamie stood on the starting line with about two hundred and fifty other runners, she thought about the strange spanish voice she heard in the woods. Her day dream was quickly interrupted by the harsh blow of the whistle indicating to 'go'. As if it were in slow motion, she took off just as she heard the whistle with no hesitation. Soon all Jamie could hear were the pants from her breath and pounding heart beating. She felt herself getting very tired and exhausted, but ignored it and ran like the wind. She wanted this to pay for her college. She got scholarship from being a cheerleader in high school, but she knew it wouldn't last all four years of her college. She ran past many, many people and soon she was almost in first place. 

Jamie was almost to the finish line when she heard someone calling her name...again. She brushed it off and kept going to the finish line; whatever they wanted, it could wait until after the race. Someone- someTHING, called her name again, but this time more aggressively. She glanced around as she continued to sprint on the course. The sound of  her name cooed in her ear, "Jammmmmieee.........Jaaamieeee......" She had no choice but to push through the erre tournament so she could run home and forget about this.  

              7:54PM                                                                                                                                                                            After what seemed like forever, she ran through the finish line breathlessly. Uneasily, she went to take a big swig of her water bottle she had packed in her work out bag earlier that day. Once everyone got a chance to catch their breath and relax, a woman with big curling blonde hair and fake eyelashes announced the top 10 runners. Jamie hadn't paid attention to how good she was doing, her mind wandered to the voice she had continuously heard since she got to the tournament... "that's It!"Jamie thought as sparks in her head started to connect. Just as jamie thought she was getting on to something, the woman started to announce the runners.

"In first place, we have Elena Johnston ; Senior!" The woman said with a little to much enthusiasm. 

Elena bowed and took her gold medal then stole the mic out of the woman's hand. "That's right bitches!" She spoke loudly into the mic making people cover their ears at the sudden screeches the mic produced.

"That's my girlllll!" A boy from the audience holded up a red Solo cup and cheered for her along with other college graduates. 

"Eh hem..", the woman took back the mic and continued, " In second place is Rachel Adcock...; Junior. " The woman said with equal enthusiasm but this time with a little hesitation, because no one was clapping or cheering for her like they did with Elena Johnston. Jamie sank her shoulders lower because she remembered the rumors about her in high school. People called her 'Little Red, the One Who Slobbs on Head', because she had ginger hair and was a whore. Apparently that nasty rumor (that probably wasn't even true) stayed with her all her years of high school and now even college. Someone from the audience even booed as the woman put her gold metal around her neck. 

"And for third place we have..... Jazzlyn Gilbert....; Freshmen???" The woman said confusingly, which made Jamie feel uneasy. People gasped. Now Jamie was really confused. 

"In all my days iv'e never ever heard of a freshmen making it in the top ten runners let alone the top three!" People started cheering and clapping. 

"Jamie could you show yourself?" The woman said looking around for someone to say something, because not many people knew her so far.

Jamie let out a small cough and raised her hand shyly. "T-that's m-me..." Jamie stuttered then pushed her way through the crowd and towards the front. Just as she got towards everyone in the very front, she noticed she looked like midget compared to all the senior boys. After a few awkward moments, people cheered once again. A few boys whistled, which made Jamie blush.

"Let's get another round of applause for Jazzlyn Gilbert!" The woman said happily into the mic. Jamie shyly smiled and looked around the down to her shoes. 

***45 minutes later***      9:23PM

As Jamie headed back to her parked car, a tall Hispanic man that was about the same age as her or a little older approached her. "Hey." He said as he brushed dark brown hair out of his eyes. "Ummmm hi?" Jamie said then turned to unlock her car. "I.. uh...I have you in Spanish..." He said noticing that he was making her uncomfortable. Jamie glanced up to his dark eyes then back down to her back, trying to find her keys in the darkness. "That's nice..." Jamie said as she began to unlock her car. Just as she opened the door, a cold hand swept over her face and covered her mouth. She had no idea who was holding her mouth shut because the person was behind her. The man that was still looking at her then stuck a shot in the side of her neck. "I'm really sorry Jamie...." He said slowly, as everything fell into darkness, leaving Jamie alone with only her thoughts..........




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