Chapter 1 - Love at the first sight?

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“Hey Candace! Look what’s George’s doing!” Someone’s pulling me from my sit rudely.

“What the heck?” I’m following Lily, the girl that pulled me.

“George is cheating you!” Another girl is yelling from behind.

I run through the hall and enter a room everyone is pointing at.

“FUCK YOU ASSHOLE.” That’s the first thing that come from my mouth loudly as I’m seeing my boyfriend, George, is kissing Lindsay, one of his classmate.

I slapped him.

“George? You told me that you and Candace broke up since fall!” Lindsay said.

“Can it bitch!”, I said to Lindsay.

“Look Candace, it’s not Lindsay’s fault, its mine,” George looks at me with his dreamy eyes.

“Bullshit!! You’re still telling me ‘Good Morning, Babe’ this morning. Shit you, it’s over,” I yelled in front of George’s face and walked away.

Since that day, the day I broke up with my first boyfriend, I forced my parents to move me out of the school so I can meet new friends. All of my friends are afraid of me for slapping George. He’s a ponytail in my old school. “You can go to the same school as I am? I’ll drive you everyday,” My brother suggested me to go to the same school as he does, in London. “Okay.” My parents agree, because I never asked them anything big before. So I moved out.

“Why don’t you text me back?” asked Lily.

“I don’t want to make you worry, and there’s something you need to hear from my voice,” I answered her.

“What is it? Is it the reason why you don’t go to school today?” Lily truly knows why.

“I decided to move school. I’m going to find a better school where I won’t meet that bastard again,” I answered.

“Sure you are. Just, don’t forget to text me, I’m going to miss you,” Lily said, and she hanged off the phone quickly.

I can hear from her voice, that she’s about to cry. She’s my best friend, she’ll support me in any situation and every decision I have.

I’ve decided to move on, I’m going to make a new chapter of my life. As I’m reading my name, “Natalia Candace Swan”, I decided to go on Natalia as my nickname, maybe I’m going to change my personality by changing my nickname. I loved George, so much. George and I were such a sweet couple, the best one ever told. He was my first love, the one that made me believe in love. But I guess not anymore.

“Get in Loser!” Yelled my brother from his car.

“I’m haven't finished with my breakfast,” I answered.

I’m biting and swallowing my cereal and hurrying into Nick’s car. My brother is driving me to school this morning, he’s such a professional driver that my family refuse to hire a driver for us.

“We’re here!” Nick is helping me to unlock my sit belt and wave his hand.

“Bye Nick,” I said and walked in.

Everyone’s watching me entering the main door. I’m entering the class I’m assigned to, 10A. I take a sit at the back and start pulling out my phone out of my pocket and deleting texts from George.

“Hey this is my sit,” said a boy standing in front of me.

“Sorry, I’m a new student, I don’t know this class have a seat map,” I answered.

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