Round 9

71 8 0

Question 9: What is you and your lover ship name?


China: Hold the hell up. I hate cursing but hold up. How we gonna do Dove 'em impressions and skip over me?!

Guy: We're going to get to you! Have patience, child!

China: No! I'm tired of this!!!


G: Well, most people said that it's impossible to mash up our names together....

Guy: Well, your name is Genevieve and his name is Cameron. Just how will somebody mash that up?

G: Obviously your mind is dull and un-creative. It's Gameron.

|Note: It took me so long to actually come up with that. I tried last names and that definitely didn't work but I finally got it|

Guy: Right, my mind is un-creative because of your difficult name.

G: The hand! Talk to it!


Rowan: Reyer.

Guy: Just how did you that?

Rowan: *Huffs* Weeeeell, it's just my first name, his first name and last name.

Guy: Oh! I thought it was Peyowan or something.

Rowan: I'm nice and stuff, but that's just retarded.


Dove: Hey! We skipped Sofia and stuff! I was ready to do an impression of her!

Guy: We'll get to her. We just split it up. Now answer!

Dove: Didn't I ask you to meet me outside?

Guy: Chloe, you're not scary.

Dove: My name is Dove.

Guy: Can you please just answer?

Dove: *Sings* And can you please just lose some weight?

Guy: I'm only 2 something pounds!!!


Sabrina: Shoot I got this! I'm always on our relationship stuff!

Guy: Answer the question.

Sabrina: *Clears throat* Corbina, Markle, Sorey, Safolgemanis-

Guy: We get it!

Sabrina: You're lonely, I bet.


Laura: Raura.

Guy: *Snickers* Or Loss.

Laura: I'm not the one.


Sofia: I don't know if you guys have checked Google, but I'm a single pringle.

Guy: *Gasp* So am I!

Sofia: ..... Good for you.


China: When will we do me?!

Guy: We will! Just wait!

China: Whatever! Anyway, I said it before, I don't have a boyfriend!

Guy: *Sneers* I just wonder why.

China: Because I don't need a man to defy who I am.


Guy: Excuse me?

Laura: You heard me.... I'm not the one.

Guy: Look at your arms! Like I'm afraid of you!

Laura: *Chuckles* I like that I'm skinny. Because idiots like you believe that I'm weak. I always laugh when y'all see that the dog inside of me bites harder than its size.

Guy: ......

Laura: So it's like what I said, I'm not the one.

Guy: ......

Laura: I'm a very sweet person, I'm nice all the time, but I will I ever let my guard down. So once again, I'm not the one.

~~~So you didn't show up but my heart didn't blow up~~~

𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐅𝐞𝐮𝐝 | 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖 ✓Where stories live. Discover now