Basketball is for Boys

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After having been introduced to Peter who seemed like he had some  serious social skill problems, I made my way to my first period class. Or rather attempted to. Reading maps was not my strong suit. I mean like you better hope you never get stuck in a corn maze with me because, well, let's just say we'll become children of the corn. I finally found the room for my math class and I opened the door. Cue the squeaky hinges and all the eyes on me. Gotta love being late to class. The teacher's eyes landed on me.

"Ms. Renton?"

"Yeah. Sorry I'm late."

"Get lost in the halls?"


"Well take a seat." He said gesturing to the only seat available.

I sat down and looked at the person next to me. I knew him. He was the kid from the principal's office. The one that didn't understand the concept of staring. Although he was currently staring at me now sooooooo.

"Flash. Eyes on the board."

The boys eyes turned away from me and landed on the board. Wait Flash? I thought his name was Eugene. I guess it's a nickname. Wait MJ said the only person to watch out for in this school was Flash. Well crap just my luck to make a not friend out of the one person I'm supposed to avoid.

"Ms. Renton? Are you with us?"

Yeah now that I finally found the room. "Yeah."

"Then you wouldn't mind answering the question on the board."

3X - 10 = 80

Well I need my gpa to go up so I might as well not act super dumb but I'm not gonna blurt our the answer right away either. I counted to 10 before answering.

"X = 30."

"Very good Ms. Renton. And welcome to Midtown."

Well after that lovely event the class went by pretty boringly. As did English the next period and Science after that. That Peter kid was in my science class but he was kind of the nerd sitting in the front of the class while I sat in the back. And then came the horror of the cafeteria. Well actually it wasn't too bad because MJ was there so I had someone to sit with.

"Hey April! How's your day going?"

"Meh. It's school so can't be great. I couldn't find my first period class so that was embarrassing but after that it was pretty uneventful. Oh and I think Peter's in my science class."

She blushed at his name. "Yeah he's a real science whiz. If you have any questions feel free to ask him. Honestly he won't mind."

"Cool. What do you have next?"


"Sweet me too."

"Although I will warn you now, Flash is in that class so be careful. Just stay out of his hotshot way and you'll be okay."

"Do we play basketball in gym?"

"Some days yeah."

"Well then I don't make any guarantees. 'Cause I love basketball."

"Well I hate to be the one to have to tell you this but we don't have a girls basketball team."

"Well can I just tryout for the boys?"

"Oh honey. You'd get obliterated. These guys are ruthless and really talented. And they wouldn't stand to be turned into a laughing stock for having a girl on their team."

"Yeah but the coach is the one that makes the decision right? All I have to do is prove to him that I'm better."

"April, these guys are really talented. I'm sorry but I seriously doubt you would make the cut."

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