The Parent Trap?

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A Few Weeks Later...

April grinned as she put her English homework back in her backpack and pulled out her math homework. Being a genius had its perks. Like finishing your homework in under an hour. "Geronimo" began to play quietly from her phone as she smirked at the problem in front of her. This was too easy. April was halfway through the paper when a knock on the door made her pause. She sighed and set the binder on the couch next to her. April found herself smiling as she shook her head.

"Honestly Steve you have got to stop forgetting your keys. One of these days I'm not going to be ho-" The words died on her lips as she opened the door to reveal a very certain billionaire wearing unnecessary sunglasses.

April forgot how to breathe. Her mind was going a million miles an hour spiraling off the tracks of logical reasoning.

How had he found her? Did Pepper betray her? Was he finally going to be able to shuttle her off to an orphanage and completely rid her from his life? Why couldn't he leave her alone? WHY RUIN THE HAPPINESS SHE HAD FOUND?

As she stood there, her mind screaming question after question, Tony recovered.

He slid his sunglasses halfway down his nose, his brown eyes peeking out at her.


And just like that April snapped back to reality. She swung the door as hard as she could only for it to be stopped by a ridiculously expensive loafer.

"Wait, wait wait," Tony said curling his fingers around the edge of the door with one hand and with the other rubbing his temple. "What's going on here? How are you here?"

"I- um- I live here." Her brow furrowed. "What are you doing here?"

Tony held up his phone and she looked at the screen. There was a tracking app open on it and she was standing in the same room as whatever the beacon was.

"Someone pulled a prank on Capsicle that was actually half decent. I mean freaking changing his ringtone to Highway to Hell and having it go off in the middle of a meeting with Fury with him having no idea how to turn it off.... priceless. And I wanted to know who did it."

"So you backtraced the signal to where it happened-"

"And it led me here."

April bit her lip. She might as well tell him after all he had left his perfect life to come down here to an apartment complex. She looked down and scuffed her foot against the carpet.

"That was me."

Tony blinked in surprise.

"Nice one, A-" Tony paused realizing Amy wasn't the girls name. He searched his memory for her name but came up blank.
"Kid, nice one kid," he finished.

April forced a smile, and pointedly looked down at his foot which was blocking the door from closing.


Tony followed her train of sight and cleared his throat before looking back up quickly.

"Yeah so uh, is Cap in there by any chance? I wanna talk to him."

"He's not," April said curtly. She wanted him to leave. To leave before he realized he should put her in an orphanage if he never wanted to see her again. "You can check back later. Or better yet, call him."

Tony didn't miss how her tone was different from normal, it was more harsh and almost pushy. He titled his head looking at her quizzically.

"So how long have you been here?"

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