Live, Love, Laugh;and Above All: Sarcasm

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Kayden is pictured above you'll meet him later

Well I'm not going to lie, my life isn't great, but it definitely could be worse. My mom is a druggie; always has been. The doctors were actually shocked that I came out normal and healthy considering she took drugs when she was pregnant with me. She never told me anything about my dad. Sometimes when she's "out of it" though, she's  mentioned a guy. And from the way she talks, I'm okay with him not being in my life. Don't get me wrong a dad would be cool, especially if he actually was competent. But a dad that's an "egocentric, playboy, narcissistic, arrogant" man, isn't exactly something I need in my life.

"April? Are you still with us?"

Oh yeah. Guess I should have told you guys I'm currently a sophomore at Montana High School. Also currently in school. And currently zoning out per usual.

"Yeah. 100%."

"Good." I could hear smugness approaching in her voice. "Then you won't mind answering the problem on the board."

I glanced at the board.
4= 9 - 5x/2
I blinked at it.


The answer popped into my head.

"Uhh 10?"

I noticed the teacher bite back a smirk.
"Maybe if you paid attention instead of daydreaming you would know that the answer is in fact 2. See me after class Ms. Renton."

I mentally groaned. This was the third time this month that she was holding me after class. Anytime we had an assessment the next day she would tell me if I didn't pass I would need to get a tutor of her choice. And every time I somehow managed to pass by a single point.

Well since I'm clearly not going to pay attention to the rest of this class, I might as well tell you more about my life.

I'm not a huge fan of school because everyone seems to think they can fix you or change you. No one ever seems to think that maybe you're actually okay and don't need their help. Anyway you probably don't care about that. You're probably more wondering why on earth I completely botched that question. You probably think I'm some wacko strawberry blonde who is actually super smart but pretends to be dumb for her reputation. Well that's a good theory. But it has one flaw. I have no reputation. I'm not invisible, but people don't really seem to think I'm worth caring about for the most part. But you might just be Sherlock Holmesy enough to figure out that I am indeed pretty smart. If you want to get into the technicality of it, don't. My IQ is like 140 or something. My mom had me tested for some unknown bizarre reason. I don't like to flaunt it around school though. And honestly why should I care? Why should I care enough to actually try in this school? Besides I get the nice extra bonus of driving teachers insane that I always pass by one point. Oh and then there's the guidance counselors. They'll call me in and try to talk to me about how smart I would be if I would just try. Yadda yadda yadda. When they finally finish talking to me I just make up crap about how hard my home life is and then they feel sorry for me and leave me be. There's a system here, and I just figured out how to work it.


Oh yay! Time for another stupid meeting with a teacher. It's incredibly stupid. Like think about the logic of it.
They're going to take time away from my learning to talk to me about how I need to spend more time studying.
Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaah because that makes perfect sense.

"Ms. Renton."

I snapped my head up towards the teacher who beckoned me towards her desk. I grabbed my notebook and pencil and walked towards her. Anyone else hear the death march playing, or is that just me? Maybe my mom should have tested me for psychotic behavior instead of genius IQ. Oh look I've arrived!

The Unexpected (A Tony Stark Daughter Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें