4 | masato

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i'm   sorry

          Requested by the amazing sonjapinedaestrada I hope you like this love and thanks for requesting~ Having a vampire! reader is definitely interesting and I loved writing this even though it came out a little more angsty than originally intended ^^'

your p.o.v

          Shaking my head, I took a step back away from the man I've loved since I first bumped into him on the night streets of Tokyo, not wanting him to get any closer to myself. "Masato, get away from me, please."

          The blue haired idol grabbed my wrist, preventing me from moving back from him any further. The conference room is empty with the exception of the two of us. He just had his meeting with Haruka and Kira about their song and I came here to go out on a late night date with him when suddenly I got hit with this insane thirst. My throat is so dry and all I want to do is bite him- but I promised myself I would never bite Masato. I can't do it. I love him too much to make him my food.

          "You need to feed, don't you ___?" He asked calmly, a soft smile gracing his lips despite the fact he's dating a vampire who's self restraint is currently dwindling by a thread. "You can't ignore that. Without blood, you'll die. It's alright ___, you can bite me. I won't mind."

          If I listen closely, I can hear his heart beating just slightly faster than normal in his chest, the sound echoing about in my ears. His blood always smells so delicious. It's a constant struggle to not give in to the temptation that is Hijirikawa Masato and instead restrain myself as to be the good partner I want to be. But he's offering himself to me right now and, and I'm so hungry and he's so sweet smelling. It's intoxicating. I want to bite him so-

          "No." I shook my head, pulling my wrist out of his grasp harshly. "No, I'm scared that if I bite you I won't stop. I can't risk that Masato. I just can't." I said adamantly. "What if I kill you? Then what? There's no bringing you back from that."

          "What's the worst that could happen? You have to turn me into a vampire to keep me alive?" He asked genuinely curious.

          I didn't respond.

          "See, that wouldn't be so bad either. We've been together for years now ___ and I know I love you so let me do this for you just once." Masato murmured, once again taking a step closer to myself. "I don't like seeing you in pain when I can help."

          At this point, I'm beginning to shake. My hands won't stay still and I can feel the beginnings of a cold sweat breaking out over my forehead and the back of my neck. My hunger is only getting worse the closer Masato get's. I can feel my throat becoming increasingly dry and I really should have fed last week instead of putting it off because then I wouldn't be in this situation at all...

          It's like I'm in a constant battle with myself when I'm around this man. He's right here, my beloved boyfriend is more than willing to give himself up to me for the sake of temporarily curing my insatiable hunger. I don't think he even knows how much I'm holding myself back right now. I'm on the verge of breaking down into tears because I desperately don't want to bite him, to degrade him to such a status.

          I wish I was never born a vampire...

          "Let me do this for you ___." Masato murmured once again grabbing my wrist and this time successfully leading me back closer to the large conference room table.

          Taking a seat in the nearest chair, Masato looked up to me with a gentle smile, tugging on my wrist and forcing me to sit on his lap. I stubbornly wiped at the tears threatening to spill over my cheeks as Masato wrapped his arms protectively around my smaller frame. I hate this so much.

          Keeping me close to him, Masato chuckled some. "Don't make it hurt too much okay? I have a high pain tolerance but I'm not sure how hard you bite." He said before tilting his head to the side some, showing the wide expense of his slender neck to myself, the skin so pale and so enticing. I can practically see the blood flowing through the veins just under the surface...

          "I'll be gentle, I promise." I murmured, my voice cracking some as I pressed a faint kiss to his lips before leaving a trail of chaste kisses down to his neck, his arms tightening around my body in response. "If it hurts too much, just tell me and I'll stop. I can hold myself back for you."

          Masato hummed in response. He ran a single hand up and down my back in a comforting manner as I stopped my lips just over where his pulse is strongest, the warmth of the blood flowing underneath the surface of his skin coupled with it's smell making my head spin.

          Before I knew what I was doing, I opened my mouth and sunk my fangs deep under his skin, barely registering the hiss of pain he released from me biting him like this. Though despite the pain and discomfort, Masato continued to soothingly rub my back and keep me close to him.

          The warm liquid trickled down my throat and I sighed against his skin, the uncomfortable feeling that had been building up through out my body for the last couple of days finally dissipating, my head clearing some. But I was right, Masato's blood is amazing. If I wasn't so focused on not hurting him, I'm sure I could easily kill him from continuously drinking his blood without even realizing it until the lack of blood circulation through his veins finally cued me in to his suddenly deceased state.

          Quickly, I released Masato from my fangs and used the sleeve of my shirt to apply light pressure to the puncture wounds, not wanting any of his blood to stain his clothes. "I'm so sorry, so sorry, sorry sorry sorry-"

          Masato cut me off by placing his lips against my own, the kiss sweet and gentle and so warm and loving I don't deserve someone like him. That sinking feeling in my stomach of nothing but pure guilt only making this entire situation worse for myself. I never wanted to bite him.

          "I'm alright, you didn't hurt me nearly as much as I thought you would and look," he paused, waiting for me to look him up and down before once again looking into his beautiful deep ocean blue eyes, "see, I'm perfectly alright ___."

          No longer feeling even an ounce of hunger, I wrapped my arms around Masato's neck and gave him a tight hug, still being mindful to not add much to any pressure over where I've just bitten him since that area will be sore for the next couple of days and will take about a week to fully heal. "Still, I'm so sorry for having to do that to you. I don't want you to become just another blood bank for myself. I love you so much Masato and I don't want you to see me as some monster either."

          "I'd never see you as a monster ___." He murmured, gently running a hand through my hair to try and calm me down some if only a little.

          "I love you..."

          "I love you too, now let's go out for that ice cream yeah?"

          I couldn't help but laugh a little at that. "I just bit you and that's how you cheer me up?"

          "Of course," Masato chuckled, "I'm hungry now myself and could really use that ice cream so let's hurry before all the good places close." He then said, carefully lifting me up off him and then grabbing my hand to lead me out of the conference room.

          Looking to Masato once we were out on the night streets of Tokyo, I shook my head fondly. "You sure are one weird human, you know that."

          "And I'm you're weird human." The blue haired idol said with a warm smile.

          "That you are." I agreed, smiling right back at him. "And the only human for me."


          Thanks for reading lovelies and if you would like to request then go to the introduction chapter and request there~

          I also have a discord server open for everything anime and kpop so if you'd like to join, go to my profile and click the link in my bio!

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