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jahseh opened the door to jose's place rubbing his hands together to warm them back up. he had finished his shift not to long ago sure to keep a close eye of his surroundings just incase stokeley was right about everything. jahseh followed the voices towards the back of the house. the light peeked through the open door, jahseh knocked on the door loud enough to be heard.

jose swung open the door and stood to the side to let jahseh in. makel sat in the corner, grin plastered across his face as he stared back at jahseh. jahseh held a stern look on his face and breathed hard out of his nose. jose looked back and forth between the two dumbfounded at the sudden tension in the room.

"the fuck, okay." jose mumbled and took his seat again opening up a bottle of big red. jahseh tore his eyes away from makel and handed over jose's cut of the money sitting on the opposite side of him. makel crossed his legs with a smug look this time. jahseh pretended not to notice it, thinking that maybe he could hold off on his question until later.

"alright fruit cup, what's all of this about." jose spoke up restocking jah's backpack and tucking his money away.

"this has nothing to do with you, i only came here cause i heard my dearest friend would be around this area." makel nodded towards jahseh, who was paying no attention to him. jahseh took the backpack from jose and slung it over his shoulder. he decided then and there that he needed to get the fuck out and away from makel.

stokeley was enjoying his day off at his place. he was on his way to the skate park with a few acquaintances of his. stoke packed his backpack with a few necessary items and grabbed his skateboard leaving his apartment. he locked the door behind him and sent a text to angel to let her know where the spare key was so she could get in. stokeley set his board out in front of him and took off. using his left leg to pick up speed. as he coasted down the sidewalk his phone vibrated from his back pocket.

it was a text from jahseh asking if he could swing by and kick it with him. stokeley sent him the address and crossed the road, the skate park coming closer before him. he didn't recognize any of his people it wasn't new that they'd probably ditch him to go and do something else. stokeley dropped his backpack off by the bench where he could keep a close eye on his things, after securing his belongings he road back up the sidewalk speeding down the ramp.

soon after practicing on the railing jahseh showed up looking glum. he had just finished his shift and needed someone to clear his mind. jahseh was coming closer to stokeley who was seated ont he bench drinking out of a water bottle. he was glad angel wasn't here at the moment, he'd been wanting to spend some quality time with stokeley for a while now, just the two of them together. stokeley waved to jahseh only a few steps away from him and met halfway swallowing him up in a hug.

"how you holding up jah? you looked bummed out." stokeley pointed out slipping out of his shirt and tossing it on the bench over his things. jahseh took a seat and watched stokeley lace his shoes back up, and the sweat drip off his body.

"nothing at all, just a lot on my mind right now. i'll be fine. how are you?" jahseh asked leaning back to look up anywhere else but in stokeley's direction.

control yourself, don't do anything you'll regret.

jahseh told himself over and over, taking off his backpack and setting it over his lap. he thanked the lord when his phone rang, it was angel. jahseh could barely understand a word she was saying.

"angel slow down. i can't hear you." jahseh covered his other ear to block out the noises of stoke failing horribly at landing his board.

"hm? YOU WHAT? where are you at ? im on my way."

honestly. idek what i'm doing i just thought i'd finish this so i could ask if y'all cared about this book anymore. if so i'll continue as promised if not let me know. this update is pressing me so i been off for a lonnggggg as time. i guess i'll start being more active now. or something like that.


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