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Chapter 1

I was half running around my room as I tried to find some homework that needed to be in today. Hunter, my Doberman lay outstretched on my bed, chewing his squeaky toy I bought him for Christmas. I watched as he gave my favourite teddy, sitting at the bottom of my bed, a sly nip.

"Hunter." I warned. He answered me by wagging his tail and sticking out his pink tongue, panting, and then he went back to chewing his toy. He was such a sweetie, and had a three link chain around his neck. I'd had him for just over ten months now and couldn't imagine life without him.

We'd just had our Christmas break and had been back to school for a week. Today was Friday and I couldn't wait to start the weekend. I planned to take Hunter to the beach and then we were all going on a family walk with the dogs.

My room was a typical teenagers bedroom; Light blue walls that were covered in posters of topless men and puppies; A double bed that had black covers with blue sequins on, and matching curtains; A plush black carpet; A computer in the corner and a black wardrobe.

"Lacey, Luke's here." My dad called as I rushed to get my things together.

"Hi, Luke, come on up." I shouted back, opening the door.

"No you don't, buddy." My older brother Max warned. "No boy's allowed in my baby sister's room."

"Couldn't agree more, Bro," My other brother Alex agreed.

"Oh, get life losers." I retorted.

Maxwell and Alexander were my idiotic twin brothers. They adored making my life a living hell and were always caught in the middle of a prank. I always said that either they find trouble or trouble finds them. They just can't help themselves. Max and Alex both shared a massive Doberman Pincer named Demon that suited his name because he looked deadly; he had pointed ears, cut tail, and a black leather collar that was at least three inches thick with his name studded into it, fastening with a buckle, he was also very strong because he snapped three of his leaders, pulled like hell at his leader and it took Max and Alex to walk him and they were also very strong boys!

My bedroom door opened and Luke Wolf came in. He was very good-looking and all of the girls in school swooned at the sight of him. He had light blonde hair that was always styled and beautiful emerald green eyes that disarmed you by just one look. He had an intelligent face that was classically beautiful with a square jaw and high cheekbones that emphasized his good looks. My favourite part of him was his athletic body because he reminded me of a gladiator, making it hard for me not to fantasize about his muscular arms around me, protecting me...

Luke was one of those guys that made you look twice or even a third time, just to make sure you weren't seeing things. He was also the captain of Lake View High's football team - not to mention a straight A student. But most of all Luke had a heart of gold. He was perfect. He was everything I ever looked for in a boy. Funny, cute, strong, caring, and always made me feel special.

Oh, stop it Lacey! You shouldn't have these kind of feelings! I scolded myself as I once again fantasized about him walking over to me with a determined look in his eyes, and then pulling me into his arms, and his beautiful mouth moulding to mine.

Luke was seventeen and one of the oldest in our year. His birthday was on the eighth of September whereas mine was on the fourteenth of February (My dad said I was his valentines gift from my mum because I was born three days early).

"Hey, kitten." He smiled, lighting up the room. His voice was so soft it felt as though he was caressing your skin.

"Heya." I smiled back. "I can't find my homework. Can you see it anywhere?"

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