"They live?"

"They escaped the castle into the dark forest" Thomas added

"I'm going after them." He turned to leave

"We don't know if they survived. William! " he called

"You ventured beyond the castle walls again, disobeying my orders. We're all that's left I cannot afford to lose any more of my men."

"I'm going alone" William snapped

"I will not lose my only son. You do not know the dark forest"

"Then i will find someone who does. I will not abandoned them a second time" he turned and rode off.

We made our way through the woods holding our dresses. We stopped seeing the branches become snakes. I looked around whimpering. when the Huntsman broke it and it was nothing but normal branches again.

"The forest gains it strength from your weaknesses " he turned around and took a big gulp from his flask.

"Do you drink to drown your sorrows or your conscience?" Snow asked

"What concern is it of your why i drink? "

"I suppose a men's sorrows are his own" she looked at me

"And what would two girls know about sorrow's?"  He retorted then came towards us and ripped our dresses. I flinched to my sisters shoulder but then there was nothing and i looked up.

"Don't flatter yourselves. Stay close" We carried on following him our dresses no longer a problem.

"Sister, what do you suppose William looks like now? Do you think he will remember us?" i ask moving drooping branches out of my way.

"I do not know, but i think he will remember us. We grew up with him, he is our best friend." Snow replied.

"I suppose so. Well second best friend we are each others first are we not." she smiled softly at me and took my hand.

"Of course." The Huntsman came to a stop and turned to us.

"Here, I want to show you something." he took the knife out and handed it to my sister. "Which is your lead foot?" He faked attack and we both stepped back.

"You're both the same. If someone comes at you, you raise this arm up" he show us  "and you block, and you use their strength against them. You're both small so you wait until their close and you drive it through their heart to the hilt. You understand? Do not hesitate and do not pull it out until you see their soul." he slowly let go and i could see something between them although this wasn't exactly the right time.

"I couldn't do that?" Snow shakes her head

"Well you might not have a choice" he countered and walked off.

"Are you okay sister" i checked her over

"Yes, i am fine" i nodded and taking her hand we followed. We made it to a clearing where he stopped us.


"Is this the edge of the dark forest?" i questioned

"Aye" he took out one of his many knifes arming himself and we began to walk across the bridge

"what is it?" i wondered and was shushed . There were broken parts of carriages on what would have been a river bead. There was rumbling behind us and i gasped turning around.

"Troll" we were pushed off the side we fell off the side and into the ground below. I look up and there is the troll roaring I picked my self up and the Huntsman helped my sister  and grabbed me.

"Go" we started running  and we hid behind a big tree stump. The troll hit it twice.

"Run" he ordered and ran to distract it. Instead of doing what we were told, we watched him try tackle the troll until he was knocked over. Just as it was about to kill him we both ran out.

"No!" we screamed and it roared back at us knocking us to the ground. We stared up at it and i stood up first reaching my hand out slowly. The troll nuzzled its head into my hand and i giggled as it tickled  i stroked it softly.

"Go back to sleep, we mean you no harm."  he bowed his head and stomped off.

"Sister!" Snow tackled me into a hug, which i gladly returned and the Huntsman came over.

"I thought it told you both to run?"

"If we did you would be dead" Snow replied.

"Let's go" he sighed and we began walking through overgrown hay till we reached a lake.

"Only daemons or spirits pass through the dark forest, which one are you?"

"We are fugitives from the Queen."

"We mean you no harm" Snow and I told the woman. She nodded and we found out her name was Anna before she offered us to ride with her. Not long after we set off, we reached Anna's village

"Where are all the men" Huntsman asked as soon as we noticed that only women and children lived here.

"Gone" Anna stated


Snow White and Scarlett RoseWhere stories live. Discover now