Chapter Three

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The two of us set of running down the familiar corridor that we were taken down so long ago. Till we reached outside where the sun blinded me. I blinked a few times adjusting to so much Sun and Snow started running again. We found a gate and forced it opened and looked up seeing guard near the main entrance. Trying to go undetected but it did not work.

"Stop them!" he shouted, i picked up my dress and started running

"Catch them?" We skidded to a stop in the courtyard and saw the our two birds flying around while the guard were yelling to catch us. They flew near a opening to a sewer system I ran first and skidded into the hole and sewers. I started coughing as i heard my sister join me.

"Snow, come on" I pulled her threw gagging at the smell till we reached a opening on a cliff. The sea waves crashed against the rock.

"Together?" Snow stated

"Together" I agreed and moved out. We took each other's hands and looked at each other before we jumped. We came up for air trying to find something other than each other to hold onto. Finally we grabbed a large bolder and took in large breaths. Again our friends helped us and we climbed ashore. They lead us through a clove and two horses waited for us. One as white as purity and the other as black as midnight.

Slowly we approached them meaning no harm and petted them before securing our self's on their backs. Sensing they were to be ridden the stood up on their tall legs. I griped onto their mane hoping i wasn't hurting them and the two of us rode off down the beach and through the land. We stopped in the town we once walked through when we were children. It was no gloom and dirty where it's people were anything but welcoming. Snow and I didn't stop before riding of again.

I heard hooves behind us and looked as the Queen's guards were behind us.

"Snow, we have to move faster" she nodded and we kicked to go faster. We saw the forest and entered the dark and haunting grounds. I thought we had lost them till the two of us were thrown from our horses. I lifted myself up and both horses were frightened.

"Be still, my friends. The more you panic the harder it will be" the calmed at my voice.

"Sister" Snow grabbed my arms and we saw the outlines of the Queen's men.

"I am sorry but we have to go." We pulled each other up and started running . Through looming trees and misty fog the forest seemed alive and cruel. Snow tripped and we both fell down into some plant which whisper and let some black mist. I whimpered standing and our journey only became worse. I swear to you that everything was moving, coming alive and it wanted to hurt me and my sister. There were glooming figures as we fell again and saw dead birds lots of them.

"Come!" I pulled Snow further and nothing became better. Figures became more apparent and things attacked us. I screamed and we dropped to the ground, before I was surrounded by blackness


Eric Huntsman was cleaned up and dressed somewhat decently before he was presented to the Queen. He was shoved through the doors of the throne room.

"Eh" he tried to pry them off as he was brought in front of the Queen.

"My brother tells me you are a widower and a drunkard. And one of few who has ventured into the dark forest." Ravenna spoke


"Two of my prisoners has escaped there"

"Then both men are dead" Huntsman replied

"Girls" Ravenna corrected

"Then both of them are certainly dead" Ravenna looked to her brother then back at Eric

"Find them, bring them back to me." she ordered

"No, I've been to that forest, I'm not going back" he refused

"You will be rewarded handsomely."

"What good is gold to me if I'm lying dead with the crows picking at my eyes.? Why are they of such value?" he wondered

"That is none of your concern." she looked away unwilling to revel anymore than he deserves

"I'll determine what concerns me thank you."

"You will do this for me Huntsman!"

"And if i refuse" he barley took a step forward head lances were pointed at him. "Oh, I beg of you" he challenged

"To his knees" one of the men kicked behind Eric's knee and forced him to kneel

"So you wished to be reunited with your beloved" Ravenna asked looking down. he grunted

"You do not speak of my wife." Ravenna chuckled

"You miss her." she leaned forward "What would you give to see her again. You know of my powers, bring me the girls and i will bring back your wife."

"Nothing can bring her back."

"I can." She came back

"Two life's for a life." she bargained and he agreed


"Scarlett Rose, Scarlett Rose." My eyes fluttered open and i started panting. I looked up at my sister and sat to face her. How long had we been here? i thought but it was no matter. We had to keep moving. Standing up we ran off. We staggered through the woods and heard all sorts of noises, We tried to find somewhere to hide. and found a place at the bottom of a tree. From where we were i could see a man with a axe looking around, for  I think us.

My sister and I held onto each other, waiting till we thought it was safe. That  was until i felt a grip pull me back.

"Come here."

"Sister!" Snow came out

"No!" I struggled, I looked up at him and he stopped

"Will you help us? Please the Queen is going to kill us." i pleaded and he then grabbed Snow

"Sure she is" he tugged us along

"She going to rip out our hearts" Snow told him

"Quick work" i saw Finn and tried to escape.

"Hey" Both of us were pulled back.

"Well done, Huntsman. Hand her over"

"What do you intend to do with them?" Then man asked

"What do you care?"

"You want her...Hey!" the men tried to take us from him "Give me what I was promised."

"You did your job well, now keep your word."

"He'll kill us both" Snow said

"Shut up" she got in response

"He will" I confirmed what my sister spoke as the truth.

"I said shut up."  he pulled us back and threatened my sister while nearly choking me

"I'll keep my word when the Queen keeps her's. Where is my wife?!"

"He's going to betray you" i told him

"My sister has many powers. She can take life away, or sustain it,  but she can't bring back your wife back from the dead you fool!" Finn snarled. Both of us were thrown back

"I want her back!"  Snow grabbed me and we scurried off away from the fight.

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