Notes and Acknowledgements

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Notes and Acknowledgements

The ideas behind this book have been lurking in my head since I first saw ‘The Martian Chronicles’ on TV when I was a child. My parents wouldn't let me watch part three of the show because they thought it was giving me nightmares. In fact it sparked off an interest in Mars which hasn't gone away since...

At the time we were beginning to learn more about the planet, thanks to the Viking landers, and I began to imagine what life would be like for the first people who would actually call this new world their home…

I read Ray Bradbury's original book, and worked my way through Martian stories by Arthur C. Clark, Ben Bova, Kim Stanley Robinson and so on... Bit by bit, I began to construct my own settings, stories and characters... I even started writing a couple of times, but it never got anywhere... 

This novel finally emerged from my head thanks to the Wattpad community. I’m really grateful to those who have read, commented and proofread each chapter as they emerged.

I hope to write a few 'bonus chapters' which will only be available on Wattpad.

A big thank you must go to those fellow members of the Wattpad community who have helped me so much. A particular mention must go to MyztikalTears (who welcomed me in), JustinAbbott (who did so much work on proofreading), RobertGoode (who gave the right encouragement when I was nearing the end), Struggler (who knew Kaitlin had black hair) and TheOrangutan (for so many reasons…). Thanks guys!

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