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The next day you woke up with a clear head, and with that came the overwhelming guilt together with the realization of where you were

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The next day you woke up with a clear head, and with that came the overwhelming guilt together with the realization of where you were. With your mind back in order after your sleep deprived mind had settled into common ground again, you almost fell out of the uncomfortable bed when you recall where you were and who it was that was curled up beside you. In a cell, with Jamie, someone who was here because of you; someone who ought to hate your guts by now.

Hastily removing the tight embrace from your body you crawl away from him, waking up the sleepdrunk Junker in your almost panicked prersuite to put as much space between you as possible.

You didn't even want to imagine being caught here, people would think you had gone mad to stay a single night with someone who kidnapped and abused you, someone who had done things that shouldn't be excused.

"Oi, Kitty, leaving already? Isn't it far too early t' be in such a hurry? Come back t' bed already, s' cold without ya." He huffs with a slight annoyance in his voice, stretching his lean limbs lazilly. You throw him a quick, vexed glare over the shoulder as you fix the tangled mess that was your bed hair and hastily straighten the wrinkles out of your uniform to at least rally some of the illusion that you were tidy.

"Yes, I have no choice, if I'm found here, with you; I might as well flip off Jack, spit on his desk, pack my bags and quit my job without pardon." You snarl agitatedly, making sure you had left nothing to indicate your illicit late night visit that was born out of desperation for forgiveness and a overwhelming guilt for betraying a friend.

"Really? Aww, that sucks though, jus' stay here n' tell them ya were interrogating me or some shit. Jus', don't leave me here all alone. I'll pass away from sheer boredom if ya leave me here t' sulk all day!" the aussie complains childishly, obviously not too keen to stay in a cell alone all day. You take a deep sigh, staring aside to avoid his amber eyes looking at you pleadingly. You knew you couldn't afford pity right now. Not with him.

"You know damn well I can't, not after all that has happened. My existence is on the line here, my reputation, the thing I built up after you scum decided to leave me without a single word of goodbye. So deal with the consequences of your garbage and stop whining... Your going to jail for a long, long time regardless. This is all your damn fault..." You announce bitterly as you march to the iron door, abruptly stopped by a sudden pair of arms snaking around your waist to prevent you from leaving just yet.

With a prolonged sigh your head sinks a bit, turning to face the willowy man with a gloomy expression occupying your face as he pushes you closer to himself. "C'mon, Kitty, me dear little pet; are ya really gonna jus' leave me t' me fate after last night? I thought ya finally found some warmth for me, a slither of trust. After all, ya gave me something very valuable; something I can never give back." He murmurs with a cocky hum, as of to guilt trip you into staying, and apparently there was some shocking awareness for how on edge you were about the topic.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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