I Guess It's Time to Say Goodnight

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"Man, you seriously don't weigh a thing though." he uttered. "You know, you should really see someone for your lying problem." I smirked. "Oh wow. Surrrre." Vic mumbled sarcastically. "Oh no, I'm sliding down." I fussed. "I got it." he said as he hoisted me back up on his hips. "I'm so fat, I keep sliding off your back." I laughed. "Your not fat." "Yes I am." "No your not. I weigh more than you, and I'm a toothpick." he argued. "Well maybe I'm not morbidly obese, but I do weigh a lot. I mean come on. Don't lie, am I heavy to carry?" I asked. "No." he chuckled. "So your gonna tell me, you could carry me all day and you wouldn't get tired?" I continued. "Well of course I would get tired. Not because your fat, but because I'm just not super strong in my upper torso." he answered. "Mhmmm." I mumbled. "Oh my god. YOUR - NOT - FAT." he enunciated. "Whatever." I giggled. Smiling, Vic rolled his eyes. "Alright, we made it!" Jacob wailed, startling me from my slumber. I hopped off his back and sat down under a nearby tree for the remainder of P.E. I was still so sleepy, though I couldn't sleep. My mind was too busy trying to put together what had just happened. Both my dreamworld and flashbacks were clashing together, creating an almost time travel effect for me. It was so strange... I relived the memory, like I was there again. The fact that it appeared in a dream, even more vivid than I had ever had before, really astonished me. How is this possible? I was so caught up in my thoughts, I hadn't even noticed the coach blow the whistle, informing us to head back to the gym. "Annnna!?! The class is leaving! What are you doing!?!" my friend Christine asked, startling me for a second. "What? Oh, we're leaving?" I questioned. "Yes, the class already took off. Come on before we're left behind!" I got up and hurried behind her, trying to catch up as she ran toward the gym. I entered the gymnasium, grabbed my bag, and leaned up against the wall, awaiting the dismissal bell. I was relieved to finally go home. The only problem... I didn't want to walk. Before I could groan at the thought of having to walk two miles to my house, coach Cortez approached me. "The office called you down Anna. Your mom is there to pick you up." She is? I didn't bother asking why. As far as I was concerned, I was just happy I didn't have to walk. I walked in the office, surprised to see my little sister sitting down in one of the guest chairs. My mom finished signing me out at the front desk and we all headed out the double doors. "Why isn't she in school?" I asked. "She had a really bad cough, so I kept her home for the day." "Lucky." I remarked, staring down at my sister, who was clutching my arm. "So why did you pick me up?" I continued. "I picked you up because I need you to watch your sister while I go to my doctors appointment." "You have a doctors appointment today?" "Duhhh. Isn't that what I just said." she mocked, laughing slightly. "Oh." My mom had heart problems... It seemed she was always getting real sick or passing out uncontrollably. Even worse, she was constantly in and out of the hospital. I worried for her all the time, scaring the thought that one day I could lose her... Though I never told her that. I was never good at expressing my feelings with my mother, or anyone for that matter. Plus, it seemed stress only triggered her heart problems to worsen. I couldn't tell her how I worried. I couldn't tell her how I felt or what I was going through. I couldn't even tell her what was wrong with me. Not that it mattered anyway... Even I didn't know what was wrong with me... She pulled into the driveway and my sister and I hopped out of the the truck. "I'll be back soon. Lock the doors." she hollered as she pulled out and drove off. I took off my necklace and used my key to get into the house. As my sister ran off to put her stuff away, I closed the door, locking both the top and bottom bolt behind me. I then placed my necklace back on and headed to my room. After throwing my bag off and changing out, I walked into the living room. My sister was sitting on the couch, watching cartoons on the TV. I approached the other couch in front of the running AC and collapsed on the cushions. The cool air brushed against my face and I felt my eyelids grow heavy. I closed them gently and drifted off. "Hey, get up." "hmm, what?" I exclaimed opening my eyes. I squinted my eyes open a bit to see my brother standing over me. "Didn't you want to get on the Xbox?" he asked. "Yeah. I thought you had to download Grand Theft Auto 5 off of it first though." "Already did." he answered, holding his red flash drive up to my face. "Oh." I yawned, as I kicked the covers off of me and sat up. "I already set you up on the farm. So I'm taking off." he continued. "Where are you going?" "I'm gonna hang out at Spencer's house and test out the new game." "Alright. See ya." I muttered as he walked out. Pulling myself out of bed, I picked my phone up off the nightstand and checked to see if Vic had messaged me. I frowned as I read "0 messages". Shrugging it off, I proceeded to the living room. I sat down on the couch and placed my phone next me. Reaching for the controller and headset, I clicked on Grief and waited as the game started searching for competition. The teams formed and I ended up on C.I.A. After a minute, Round 1 started. I got my Olympia and began killing zombies. Around round 12, my phone buzzed. I glimpsed down to see it was a message from Vic. I tried to pick up the phone and read it, but there were too many zombies. I quickly ran my guy upstairs to a hole in the corner of the house. CDC guys that were in the house with me started gunning down zombies as soon as they stepped in the room. I took the moment to reach for my phone.

Vic: Hey :)

Me: Hey :D

Vic: Sorry I didn't text you earlier. My battery died and I was charging it.

Me: It's ok.

Vic: So wyd?

 Before I could respond back, zombies were quickly overrunning the place. I dropped the phone and picked up the controller. Jumping out the hole, I ran for the barn. Before I knew it, everyone was down. Unable to revive my team mates, I started a train and began shooting down zombies. After what seemed like forever, I finally killed the last zombie. As the match ended, I grabbed my phone and texted Vic back.

Me: Killing zombies on Black ops. Wbu?

I was alarmed by the sudden sound of the Xbox as it informed me (piercethevic is online)

Vic: Cool. Play Minecraft with me!!! :D

Vic: I'll invite you to my game.

Me: kk

 Again, the Xbox alarmed me. I accepted the game request and suddenly found myself in the wonderful world of Minecraft. Looking around, I seen Vic's character walking around among the vast land of vegetation. I walked toward his character and stopped as I received a request to join a party of his. Accepting it, I heard Vic's voice through my headset. "Hey." "Hey." I smiled. We spent hours talking and laughing endlessly about school, family, friends, funny retarded things, and pretty much everything. We spent a lot of the night talking about us though. We were so caught up in each others company, time seemed to fly by so fast. Hours felt like minutes, minutes like seconds. Before we knew it, it was really late. "Sadly I have to go. My parents don't like me up this late on the Xbox." he sighed. "It's ok." I assured him. "I'll text you tomorrow." "Ok." "Goodnight." "Night." I finished, as i turned the Xbox off. I tiptoed past my brother, who was sleeping on the couch, and continued to my room. Turning off the lights, I laid down on my bed, placing my phone on my nightstand. As I wrapped the covers around me, my phone buzzed. It was Vic.

Vic: Goodnight and sweet dreams. I love you :-*

Me: Night, sweet dreams. I love you 2 <3 *kisses*

 I placed the phone back down and snuggled back into my covers, closing my eyes softly. Instantly I woke up to the sound of knocking on the front door. I knew it was my mother because the way she knocked. My family had a secret knock that we all used and knew for safety purposes. I unlocked both the bolts and opened the door. "Well you look tired." she pointed out. "That's because I am." I added. She walked in carrying a Wendy's bag and I closed the door behind her. Walking past her, I began walking to my room.  "Aren't you hungry?" she asked. "No. I'm just gonna get some sleep." I replied. "Ok. I'll leave your chili in the fridge for you to eat later then." "K." I closed the door and laid on my bed, wrapping the covers around me. Tears began escaping my eyes; slowly flowing down my cheeks. How bad it felt to relive a memory and wake up to find out that's all it was...a memory. I needed to sleep. Not only because I was extremely tired, but because I desperately needed to see him again. I needed to feel again... Shutting my eyes, I eventually found piece.

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