The Taste of You and Me Will Never Leave My Lips Again

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The bell rang as the bathroom door closed behind me. The halls swarmed with students. I managed to dodge kids with every step. Reaching my class, I walked in and sat down at my desk. The teacher took role and then passed out a math worksheet. I hated math, it wasn't my strong suit... I skimmed the paper of mathematical equations. It was pointless, none of it made any sense. Growing irritated, I shoved the homework sheet into my bag and tossed it aside. "Ughhh!" I sighed, rubbing my hands against my face. "Did you need help with that?" Vic asked. "No, I'll figure it out later." "You sure?" "Yeah." I responded. "Ok." "Soooo, do you want to skate then?" he suggested. "Can we please hang out at the kids park first?" I begged. "Ok." he smirked. I got up from the bleachers, leaving my bag behind with his. We then walked off holding hands. Entering through the park gates, we made our way towards the swings. He sat down on the swing next me. "So how was your day" he asked. "Boring like always. What about yours?" "Pretty good. It's even better now that i'm here with you though"." I felt my face turning red as i smiled. I watched as he abruptly bent really far back on his seat. "What in the world are you doing?" I laughed, observing Vic twist his legs around the chains as he hung upside down from the swing. "Join me. It's really fun!" he insisted. I copied his steps, and eventually found myself hanging upside down with him. We swung ourselves back and forth with our hands. I giggled as I watched him swinging. He looked like a cute monkey. His shirt began to slide up, revealing his tight stomach. I blushed at the sight. I had always loved his body. It was so perfect and flawless. I practically lost it when he was shirtless. I quickly pulled myself back up and darted towards the bridge that connected the kids castle to the poles and monkey bars. Reaching the bridge, I turned around to see Vic climbing up the net on the side of the castle. He then hung himself downward in a Spiderman pose. "Now what are you-" "Shhhh." he cut me off. "Just be my Mary Jane."  "You seriously want to reenact that gay scene?" I smirked.  He winked, obviously answering my question. I slipped my way through the hole in the side of the bridge and walked my way over to him. Placing my hands on his cheeks, I leaned in and kissed his lips softly. I pulled away giggling as i noticed his white smile beaming back at me. Once again I took off toward the bridge. Vic jumped down and sprinted after me. Running across the bridge, I bolted up the mini stairs and through the castle. As I got to the slide, I slid down and raced for the tables surrounded by another part of the fence. Reaching the fence, I dashed towards a table when Vic suddenly sprung up behind me. "Gotcha." he chuckled. I spun around and kissed him once more as he held his arms around me. Lying back on the long bench seat of the table, I walked over and layed beside Vic. Half of my body on the remaining seat, the other half sprawled over him. I rested my head gently on his chest, our interlocked hands lying in front of me. We layed there in silence, enjoying each others presence. I listened to the beat of his heart as his chest moved in and out with every gentle breath he took. "Can I ask you something?" Vic murmured. "Sure" I answered. "Can I kiss you?" " Of course you can." "I mean really kiss you." I had never made out with anyone before. It always looked gross when i seen other people do it. I was hesitant. Though more scared than ever. I didn't want to mess up with him and embarrass myself. I didn't know what to say. "So can I..?" he asked again, hoping to get me to say something this time. I couldn't leave him in silence again. I had to say something. I quickly forced a word out. "..Sure.." We sat up and Vic pulled me around toward him. I sat down on his lap as he wrapped his hands around my waist. Leaning in, he kissed my lips softly. I began kissing him back as things quickly escalated. Soon our lips were practically clashing into each other. I felt his tongue brush up against my bottom lip. Parting my mouth open, I allowed him entrance. Our tongues collided into each other. I hesitated for a quick moment, until I surprisingly found myself intertwining my tongue with his. He bit my lip softly. I bit his back harder, causing him to slightly flinch and kiss me with more force. My hand met the side of his face as I pulled him in closer. His grip tightened around my waist. Our tongues continuing to battle with each other. I felt my body surge with feelings I had never felt before. It felt so good, and I slightly quivered at the feel of it all. Soon, we finally tired out. I bit his lip softly as he pulled away with one last soft kiss. He looked at me, obviously pleased and shocked at the same time. "I love you so much Anna." "I love you too Vic." "Anna? Anna? Annnnna?" my teacher mumbled, waking me from my day dream. "Are you ok?" he asked. "Yeah. I'm just really confused." I muttered. He proceeded to helping me with my work till the bell rang. I turned in my work sheet and hurried to my next class. At the end of school, I caught a ride home with my friend Sarah. "Bye Anna." "Bye." I replied, before walking off to the front door of my house. Grabbing the key off my necklace, I unlocked the door and made my way in. I walked into my room, tossing my backpack inside the bin next to my dresser. Closing the door behind me, I locked the top bolt and headed for my dresser. I kicked my shoes off to the side and pulled a pair of black booty shorts and a tank top out of the top drawer. After changing out, I layed down on my bed and reached for the remote on my night stand. I turned the TV on and pressed the You Tube button on the remote. The screen opened up and I searched "Bring Me the Horizon". Different  music videos popped up. I clicked on the first video at the top of the list and waited. My thoughts took over as "Don't Go" began blasting through the TV speakers. My mind kept replaying the nightmare and the memories. I wanted it to stop, but the events continued to play over and over and over. They had been torturing me all day, relentlessly. Never stopping for even a second. I couldn't handle it. I felt my emotions overwhelming me. Soon my sobs filled the room, as tears streamed down my cheek. I curled up into a ball, placing my arms under my head for support. My fists clenched the covers that wrapped themselves around me. The song continued to play the chorus.

Don't go, I can't do this on my own!

Don't go, I can't do this on my own!

Save me from the ones that haunt me in the night!

I can't live with myself, so stay with me tonight!

Don't go!

Don't go...

Warm tears stained the sheets beneath me as my vision slowly faded into black.

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