Chapter 1

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Blaze's POV

     I hate my life. I look at my brother, Ares, and ask myself, what the hell happened? We're twins, but we are nothing alike. I'm scrawny and ugly, while my brother is well built and handsome. My father, the king, even favors him. My whole life has been laid out for me just to keep up with my brother. Most likely because my father didn't want the kingdom to know about his failure of a son.

     I'd rather be painting then sparing. My father makes me spar the shitty soldiers, making it harder to improve.

     My brother pushes me around.

     My life is just depressing. I wish I wasn't here anymore.

     I grip the hilt of the sword tighter. My jaw clenches, smoke coming out of my nostrils. My opponent is a more skilled soldier. My brother is taking a break and told me to take on his workload. What an ass. I was told this was a free for all, and whoever fell first was the victor. I look over to see my father and brother watching. I just want them to be proud of me.

      "Just because you're the cowardly prince, doesn't mean I'm going to go easy on you." The soldier tells me.

      "Like I give a rats ass. Go ahead." I say, trying to tip him off, I'm not good at starting the battle off, but I'm good at defending myself. My plan works perfectly, making him snarl and charge towards me. I move out of the way last second and use my foot to kick him in the back, propelling him forward. Even though I'm the weaker twin, doesn't mean I'm a weak person. Sometimes, to win a fight, you need more brain than brawn. As the solder is thrown into the air, he changes into dragon form. What the hell?! When he said free for all, I thought that meant in human form. Oh well. I'll wait to shift for later. I look up at the dragon form, quickly scanning it. His form is big, just like his head. I look at the familiar black scales. All in the land of Adrien have a variation of black scales.

     The dragon comes down, folding his wings to gain speed. When he's on me, I go to stab him with my sword, but I'm thrown back. The air leaves my body when I'm thrown against the stone of the wall. I look at my sword, and rage swims through me. My brother gave me this sword. I hold it up to see it broken. I glare back at him to see a smirk gracing his face. I look at my father to see disappointment.

     That's it.

     Getting up, I throw the sword at my brother, the broken part of the blade embedding itself into the wall just to the side of his face. Getting on all fours, I jump into the air and shift. All my senses grow more advanced, making me able to see the other dragon breathe. My form is small, but it makes me quick. I have sharp claws and horns running down my spinal cord. I've never tried out my fire, but I'm sure it'll come in handy.

     My rage forces me to attack first, my wings stretch and fling me to the other dragon, teeth bared and claws ready. He apparently was surprised by that, because he wasn't able to react. Without much effort, I had his neck in my hold, applying enough pressure to draw a little blood. What a disappointment. I thought I was going to have to get ready for a really challenging fight.

     Although, I'd be lying if I said this fight wasn't fun. This is the most advanced fight I've ever been in. I was almost looking forward to using my fire. The other dragon claws at my chest to get me off, this makes me clench his neck tighter, restricting his airway.

     I know he gave up when his figure stops moving. I release my hold and he shifts back to his nude human form. I look to my father and brother and shoot them a glare.

     Never before have I actually given my all. I try not to get angry, afraid it'll blind me, but this time, it fuelled me.

     Bracing myself, and opening my wings, I jump in the air faster than light, fly up into the atmosphere and to my hideout just beyond the kingdom.

End of Chapter

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