The Day Off

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I jumped awake from my nightmare, sweating from head to toe. I quickly jumped out from under the covers, and put on a sweatshirt, and sweat pants. If I wanted to walk around to clear my head, I would rather be warm than in my t-shirts and shorts. I crept out into the hallway, peaking into my parents room. They were sleeping soundly, dad snoring. I sighed in relief. It wasn't real, and I was glad. So many questions were swarming in my head as I walked out the front door. Why did I dream about killing my drunken father? It was like how Scott described his dream, but it didn't really happen. What the hell is going on? My phone dinged signaling I had a message. Scott name flashed across screen. 'There's been another attack' it said.

I didn't know what to say, so I put my phone back in my pocket. I walked into the woods near my house, and walked around heading no where in particular. I just walked and walked, trying to get the nightmare out of my head. I didn't know how long I walked for until a house loomed ahead. I walked closer until I realized it was the Hale house. I stepped closer, until it was right in front of me. It was completely silent, no sound. Derek was either sleeping, or not here. I focused on my super hearing, and heard a heartbeat somewhere in the house and decided to check it out. I walked up the porch steps and knocked on the door. I heard shuffling of feet, and a male voice mumbling cuss words. The door opened, and Derek stood there, in sweatpants, and a black T-shirt. His hair was matted down from it's original spiked, and tired eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Derek grumbled.

"I'm sorry for waking you. I just didn't know where to go" I lied. I could've went to Scott's or Stiles'. I didn't even know what I was doing here.

Derek seemed slightly more awake as he asked "your dad? Did he hurt you?"

"Well, not exactly" I smiled sadly. I was stills shaken by the dream I had less than 30 minutes ago.

"Come in" Derek opened the door, and allowed me in. I walked in and he shut the door behind me. "Follow me." I obeyed and followed him up the stairs, and into a room. 'This must be where he sleeps.' The floor was slightly charred, with a rug next to a twin bed.

"You actually fit in that bed?" I exclaimed.

"Not exactly" he mumbled copying my words from earlier. "You can have them bed. I'll sleep on the couch."

"What? No. This is your bed, and I showed up unexpected. You have the bed" I declined.

"No, seriously. Get in the bed" he demanded.

"Fine" I grumbled. I climbed in the bed, and Derek handed me a blanket. "But on one condition." Derek huffed out in annoyance, nodding for me to continue. "You have to stay with me."

"Are you serious? I hardly fit in this bed myself, and you want me to fit with you in it?" He asked exasperatedly. I moved over on the edge of the bed and patted the spot next to me. He groaned, but complied getting in the bed. Once he was situated with his hands under his head, I rested my head against his chest. It wasn't very comfortable, but I fell asleep feeling safe for once.

I woke up to the sunlight shining in from the broken window. I was in the middle of the bed, so Derek must've been up. I put my hand under the pillow stretching, when I heard a piece of paper crinkle. I lifted my head up curiously, and pulled it out.

I went out to do some things.
Be back in a while.

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