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"We're citizens. We pay taxes. We deserve basic civil rights, just like everyone else" Nan Flanagan stated. "Yeah but... come on. Doesn't your race have a rather sordid history of exploiting and feeding off innocent people? ..... For centuries?" the news anchor questioned which gave Nan an annoyed inaudible sigh but answered back " Three points: Number one, show me documentation. It doesn't exist. Number two, doesn't your race have a history of exploitation? We never owned slaves, Bill, or ... detonated nuclear weapons. And most importantly, point number three, now that the Japanese have perfected synthetic blood which satisfies all of our nutritional needs, there is no reason for anyone to fear us." Turning the TV off, Alexander scoffed and disagreed with that. It was worse than animal blood, when he was trying the vegetarian diet, and that is saying something. Either way he does still drink it when in public, if he is acting like the other kind of vampires, and he even tried replacing the contents with human blood but it was a fail due to other vampires who can smell it and have no control with their thirst. He missed the good old days when vampires were still in secret because he could feed, heal and compel the humans to forget. It was a thrill for him but all good things must come to an end. He still does it but not as much as the old days.

A ring of a phone snap him out of his thoughts, he looked  at the screen and answered the call with a smirk. "Hello sister, nice of you to give me a call. Do you miss me? " he heard a small laugh at the other end which gave him a small smile. " No brother, its only been a decade. It will take me a century for me to miss you " Elizabeth answered which made Alexander's smile turned a laugh. "Now what is the reason for this call? " Alexander asked after he calmed down " a little birdy told me that there's a telepath in a swamp of a town called Bon Temps in Louisiana " Elizabeth said which she knows her brother will be interested in. Alexander grinned because there wasn't any rumors of a telepath for centuries. This was good, he needs to see if it was true or another fake that he needs to kill for wasting his time. " I'll investigate if its true. If not, I'll just have to kill the fake and your birdy for wasting my time " Alexander replied seriously which he heard his sister sigh and agreed.

After the phone call, Alexander flitted to his room and started packing really quick just to get it over with. "(in spanish) Anton, make sure the compound is secure while I'm gone. I don't want any unwanted guest coming in, be a doll and kill them will you. Only my brother and sister are allowed. " Alexander said at the intercom that was next to his bedroom door.  Alexander went to his garage with a suitcase to get in with one of his cars. He chose his LandRover since it would cause less attention to himself compared to a red Ferrari. He put in the address in the NAV that he got from his sister's informant then started driving.

~5 hours later~

After driving for 5 hours straight, Alexander thought he might stop over for a drink (alcohol). In 2 minutes he saw a sign for Merlotte's Bar and Grill which he drove in and parked his car. He got off his car then started walking in smelly bar. Once he got in, he caught two scents that is the same with his care taker for his home and one that he hasn't smelt in centuries. His sister's informant was right after all, guess he didn't get to die after all is what Alexander thought. Alexander put up a wall in his mind so the telepath won't be hearing his thoughts, don't want any secrets to be leaked out. Alexander followed where the scent lead and saw it came from a blond woman. He saw the name tag, Sookie, what a unique name he thought.  Sookie saw a new comer who is guy with platinum blond hair, she couldn't hear his thoughts which was weird for her. His thoughts were silent compared to what she was use to. "Hi! Welcome to Merlotte's, what can I get for ya? " Sookie said in a cheery way. Alexander though she was too cheerful. "TrueBlood, A-. Thanks " Alexander saw her surprised look, he read her mind that he was the first vampire she seen. She left to get him his drink. He noticed the bar was quiet and when he looked up, most of the people were looking at him. Since he looked up, most of the people looked away and didn't want to get caught but some were braved and kept staring at him. He grinned and showed them his fangs which scared them and looked away. Sookie came back with his drink and he thanked her, he took a sip and made a disgusted noise but he still drank it. A bell from the door rung when someone walked in and the scent he smelled was a vampire. Interesting, two vampires in a bar full of humans. He felt that someone was staring at him so he looked back and he recognize the vampire when he first encountered him a couple decades ago, Bill was his name if he remembers it well. When Alexander looked at Bill's face, Bill was surprise to see Alexander here of all places. He heard about him and his family, how ruthless they are and tried to stay away as much as possible. When Alexander saw the surprised look on Bill, he knew that Bill recognized him and smirked at the younger vampire. Alexander gave him a small nod and Bill returned the small nod. Alexander went back to drinking his putrid drink as much as possible when a scent caught his attention, same scent  of one of his care taker. The scent was coming from a man who was behind the bar and was looking at Alexander and Bill with a concern look. "Don't worry shifter, no trouble will come to this establishment " said Alexander in a quiet voice that only the man and him could hear. The man was surprised because Alexander knew what he was. " Thank you, my name is Sam Merlotte. I own this bar " Sam said to Alexander after he calmed down and Alexander reply with a smirk. " Alexander, a pleasure I bet." Sam raise an eyebrow but ignored and nod at Alexander. Alexander paid for his drink and left. Got to his car and went to hotel stay for a few nights so he could observe the telepath, Sookie Stackhouse.

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