Pepper's first day

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I do not own iron man or any of the other characters all rights go to marvel


Pepper's P.O.V

I jumped out of the car excited and nervous for my first day. "Remember to look for tony stark honey!", my mom shouted as I ran off.

My name is Pepper Potts and I me and my family are moving in with the Starks!!!!!!!! That's right, my dad is one of his head employees so when he found out we needed a place to stay he said he had more than enough room in his mansion for us aaagggggghhhh!!!!!!!! However what I'm really excited about is meeting the famous Tony Stark, I bet he's extremely handsome, charming, polite, and smart. One of the guys that is hard for most girls to find these days!

In all of my daydreaming, I didn't realize I was lost. I needed help. I looked around to my left their was a nice looking girl with brown hair and forest green eyes she was wearing glasses and reading a book. To my right there was a group of about 6 guys laughing and looking at girls as though they were rating them. defiantly the left I told myself as I made my way over to the girl. "Excuse me?" I piped up "but would you mind helping me find my classes?". She smiled before taking my school map and hi lighting the routes to my classes. After that we made small talk, I can't believe I actually made a friend on the first day. I was about to my locker when i remembered who I needed to find. "Oh and do you know where I can find Tony Stark". She looked at me like a parent whose four year old had asked them to bring their puppy back to life. " right over there, bye Pepper! See you at lunch!" She called pointing at the group of guys I had seen earlier. oh, Tony's locker must be behind that!

I was walking regularly past the group of guys when I felt a hand squeeze my butt. Oh hell no!!!. I turned around and a boy with 50's style black hair narrowed gray eyes cooed "pick you up at eight, oh and don't be late" *who the hell does this guy think he is* I raised my hand and smacked him straight up, leaving a bright red mark. "You ever touch me again and I'll make sure you won't be late for a beating you surely deserve."At this point all the other guys were on the floor laughing and rolling around. I heard one call "thank you so much for that, you just made my day before turning back around to laugh some more. "Now if you'll excuse me I have to find a Tony Stark" I hissed, putting as much venom into my words as possible. I was about to turn around when a boy with brown eyes and hair that poked up in the front sat up. "I'm listening" he said while his friends smirked evilly. No.... This can't be the brilliant 4.0 student I've daydreamed about for the past two weeks!

"NO!!!! YOU CANNOT BE THE FOUR POINT O GPA TONY STARK!" I screamed in shock. Every part of my heart praying he would say "no that loser's over their". "Sorry to dissapoint, now what do you want?" He grumbled. "Your father told me to tell you to wait by the tree after school for me" I said quieter. "now why would I do that?" He questioned and by the smirk on his face I could tell he was enjoying the anger that was on my face. Jerk, I can't believe I thought you might have been my Prince Charming! "My father's co-worker and his family are joint our household today, I really should help!". Wow how dense Can a guy be? "Sadly, Mr. Stark that family is mine, thank you for the help" I stated adding heavy sarcasm in. I turned around and walked away making sure to stomp but once I was calm I felt a tear fall down my face. The one thing I had really been excited about turned out to be arrogant, self-centered, sarcastic, and rude. And to make matters better I would be living with the constant reminder that everything I wanted was imaginary, it would never be real, he would never be real. I wiped my tear as I walked through the homeroom doorway. I put on a fake smile, was confident, and happy. But sitting in that desk I felt the opposite.

I felt like a four year old little girl whose parents had told her they couldn't bring her puppy back to life.

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