How can you leave a kid!?

Start from the beginning

He finally looked up at me, " Can you pass me the screwdriver by your foot."

" Sure." I handed it to him and he got back to working.

Should I bring up the lunch incident.

" Hey I'm sorry about your shirt."

He looked down but then he realized what I was talking about.

" Are you still on that?"

I nodded, " Well you looked pretty mad."

He sighed and put the tools down, " I wasn't mad Lilyanna well a little bit but I had got some news earlier that day and that just tipped me off more."

Woah , he talked to me and it wasn't rude!

" It's fine , I understand."

" Yea."

" So how is Cole?"

" He is fine, he got a new costume and of course he wears it everyday."

I chuckled, " Aww he's so cute."

" Yea."



Hunter fixed the car and sadly we couldn't go to the mall as planned but I was tired anyway.

It was around 9 when I walked in. I was muddy and looked a mess.

" Woah Honey what happened to you?"

I chuckled, " Hey Mom , we had a flat and it's a long story."

She laughed, " Kids. Are you hungry?"

I shook my head, " No I got Wendy's on the way here."

" Okay well you should take a shower and get some rest.

" Okay , Goodnight Mom , love you."

" Love you too."

I walked upstairs and grabbed some pajamas and put my phone on the charger.

I took a shower and fell face first on my bed.



I woke up to my phone ringing for like the 3rd time.

" Hello?"

" Lily! Is this you?"

I smiled , it was Cole.

" Hey Buddy, what's up?"

" You sound tired, oh no did I wake you up? Hunter hates being woke up from his sleep and he said every teenager is like that and I'm really sorry-."

I chuckled, " Cole!"

" Yes?"

" You did wake me up but it was time for me to get up."

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