Panic Attack

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I'm running.

I'm running

And I'm terrified

And I can't look back

To see

What's behind me

And it's dark

And I don't know

Where I am

Where am I

I'm lost!

I'm lost.

This twisting path

Darts in and out of the trees

And something follows me

Dark night

Bright eyes

And I can't decide

To live or die

Surrender or run

And I'm running

And why am I running

Because, yea

I don't want

To be here

But where am I going to go

That's anywhere else?

Anywhere else.

I'd go anywhere else

But here

God, here

Here where I don't know

Who I am

What I'm doing

Why I'm doing it

Why I'm here

Why I fear

What I can't see

Or hear

Or feel

I just know

That it is there

But what is it

Why am I so scared

I'm so scared.

I'm so scared.

I'm scared of you

And me

And here

And there

And where

Where am I

Am I trapped

Am I free

Why is it dark?



How are you?

Yes, I'm fine.

Do you watch Steven Universe?


What about Thomas Sanders?

Really? Awesome!

Have you seen all of Sanders Sides?

I know, he's just adorable!!

Yea, but he's not my favourite.

My favourite is obviously the most adorable of edgelords.

No, nothing happened today.

Panic attack? That seems pretty extreme.

I was just angry.

No, I don't get panic attacks. And if I did, they certainly wouldn't be connected to emotions like anger.

I mean, those are so different!

Well, I have homework to do.

Seeya later!

Of course I'll get it done, but I have to go.


I've had this sitting here for a while, and I just decided to post it, because this is... different, from other poems that I've written. Please don't judge me too hard based on this.

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