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The fire burns around me

The snow does nothing to put it out

It licks at my feet, the flames slowly burning up my legs

For so long, my determination staved it off.

But no more.

The fire reaches my waist.

I am laid to waste.

I choke on tears that sizzle in the heat, boiling on my face

The flames reach my heart, and it falls to ashes at my feet.

And the snow is not snow

It is ashes, from fire harnessed by others

They are not in pain from fires that are their own.

The ashes settle in my hair

Framing my head like a crown

Woven not of thorns but of pure hatred

Made for me, by me, of me.

The flames reach my head and I am consumed

Through them, as I fade, I hear smiles and see laughter.

Or do I feel them, the music of happiness?

Or taste them, the sugar of having pleased others?

And they are not harsh or demeaning

They are gleeful

And I have done good by leaving.

And I am ashes.

And I am snow.

Thank the God that shall not receive me

That you will never see that.

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