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My little girl came running at me and yelling excitedly that she saw me. She stumbled into my arms and I raised her up in the air and kissed her precious cheeks. "How's my baby girl?" I cooed at her. She has been a joy in my life for 2 years and I adored every second of her happiness.

"Mama!" She celebrated. I perched her on my hip and followed Jr in the kitchen where I found a kitchen worker who was feeding the children.  He smiled at me and I nodded towards him.

His name was Derek and he was the main server for the children. He was more than happy to feed them because he always said they were delightful but still, I asked, "How were the kids today?"

He smiled again, "Innocent little angels, Luna."

"Mac cheese!" Jazmyne pointed to her unfinished bowl on the table next to Jr.

I addressed her, "Do you want to finish your bowl of mac and cheese, Princess?" I always addressed her with her proper title because that's exactly what she was.

She smiled again and nodded, "Yesh!"

I put her back in her chair to finish her meal and she gladly went back to it. I whispered to Derek as he put two napkins next to the two children, "Is Alpha upstairs?" He nodded and I thanked him before sneaking out the back and making my way upstairs to Alexander. I wanted to surprise him but that has been getting harder lately. My wolf's smell always gave me away.

I opened the door to our room and saw my own God laying in the bed without a shirt from his nap

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I opened the door to our room and saw my own God laying in the bed without a shirt from his nap. He shifted in the bed and turned towards me as I opened the door. He was drowsy but happy to see me, evident from his smile.

I smiled too, realizing how much I had missed him throughout the day. He sat up on the bed and asked drowsily, "Hello, Mrs.Luna."

I put my papers down on the desk and moved towards the bed, crawling next to him and kissing his lips gently. Every kiss felt like the best ever with him, "Hello, Mr.Alpha," he pecked my lips again and I sighed in content, relaxing on my elbow, "How was your day off?"

He stretched his muscles and rubbed his eyes, still tired, "Jaz wore me out, that's for sure."

I laughed. Most of the time I was the one home with Jazmyne but Alex said he wanted to be there more for her so we alternate working days. I thought it was only fair. "You know what they say about two-year-olds."

"They're cute as buttons but act like demons." I shook my head and started to fall into his chest, taking in his smell and letting go of everything today had to offer. "How was your day, Queen?"

I shrugged, "Nothing new," I tried to stay vague about my day, not wanting him to get worked up over disrespectful pack members. He looked pretty peaceful and I didn't want to ruin it with problems that weren't new. I grabbed his hand and occupied myself with the lines in his larger, rougher hands. I was always encompassed by the idea that he was much bigger than me, standing at 6'2'' and his shoulders almost as wide as my arm and the Goddess gave him to me. 

He paused for a moment and I could feel his eyes interrogating me, "'Nothing new?' Is that all? There were five meetings on the schedule today. Nothing happened with any of them?" 

I avoided his gaze, knowing I'd break under his eyes. "Yup."

He scoffed playfully even though I could hear the dryness in his voice that he was starting to get worked up thinking about what could have happened, "You're lying to me, Key. You know I don't like lying." 

I sighed and gave up my facade, "Well, it was the expected, but there was Mr.Ashter who was the worse," I admitted. 

"Mr.Ashter? He's a prick even to me." Alex laid back into the pillows of the king sized bed but still allowed me to play with his hand as it had half of my attention. 

"Yea, but today he was demanding to talk to you and said it was so important it had to go over the Luna's head. What could have been so important, Alex? Are you hiding something from me?" My anger started to build up at the thought that something was above me when we promised each other we would rule as equals. 

Alex furrowed his eyebrows together, "Goddess no. Why would I hide something from you?"

I sighed. He was right. It was irrational for me to think like that. I rubbed my face, the tiredness starting to set in, but I sat up before I got to mention, "The folder's over there. I haven't looked at it." 

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him, "That's work life. This is personal life right now." I couldn't help but smile at his strong arms and soft kisses on my neck that tickled a bit. He murmured against my skin, "I've missed you all day." 

I smiled, unable to be happier with him than I am now, "I've missed you too."

We spent a few quiet minutes in each other's arms, taking in our scents and feeling the warmth of each of our bodies.  It was peaceful for the moment, nothing to interrupt. No outside distractions. But I knew the only thing that was missing was-

There was a brief knock at the door, and I sat up so I could call properly, "Yes?" 

The door was opened and Derek's smiling face came through only moments before my little girl came running through the crack in the door. She was smiling like always as she jumped her little body on the bed where we laid. Derek laughed and explained, "After she was done with her bowl, she insisted to be brought to you two. No questions." 

I shook my head, Jaz loved herself some Mommy and Daddy, that's for sure. "Thank you, Derek." He dismissed himself and left us to be with each other after a long day. 

"Dada hugs!" Jazmyne reached her arms out to Alex and he gladly obliged. She definitely seemed like a Daddy's Girl. 

Alex grunted through a smile, "Alright, baby girl," Alex lifted her up to his chest and let her lay there as she reached for his growing goatee and nose. Sometimes she missed and almost poked his eye out, but he was more than happy to have little hands all over his face. 

I curled back up to him myself as he reached for the remote on the bedside table, turning on the 48'' and turning it to Jazmyne's favorite cartoons. It didn't take her long to shift her body to watch Lion Guard, it was her favorite. She would roar when she saw Kion on the screen. It was moments like these that made me forget the world around me. The world around us. 

It was just me and my family. Doing normal things. Doing family things. 

They were mine. 

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