Chapter 4

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Brianna POV

I'm 4 months now and today is the first day of court. Braden got scared as hell when they arrested him so he gave up the other one. I ain't know his name but when they showed me his picture, it was him.

I got up this morning and showered before doing all the rest of my hygiene stuff. I'm showing a lot now. Like nothing I wear can hide my stomach unless I wear one of DJ's hoodies or on of my dads which I do on some days because I just want to be comfortable.

I really want to just dress comfortably today but we're going to court so I have to dress up.

I go in my closet to find something to wear today.

I put my hair in a ponytail and grabbed my phone before going downstairs.

I'm hungry so I go straight to the kitchen.

DJ-Goodmorning baby sis.

Me-Morning DJ.

He looked over at me.

DJ-U ok?

Me-Yea. I'm good.

DJ-No you're not. I know u Bri and just looking at u, you're not ok. Now what's wrong?

I broke down crying.

Me-I don't want to go there and see their faces. They have ruined my life. At school, everyone is always talking about me, calling me all types of hoes and threatening to jump me.

DJ-Fuck them Bri. U are not a hoe. What happened was outta yo control and ain't nobody gon put they hands on u.

Me-DJ u don't know that. I'm always out in the halls by myself and these three girls always threatening to catch me when I'm by myself and kill me and the baby.

DJ-U don't gotta worry about nobody hurting u or the baby. Them lil girls ain't gon do nothing to u. I promise. Don't worry bout them bitches.


Pretty soon, everyone cane downstairs and it was time for us to leave out for court.

When we got there, we all went in and pretty soon, they brought out all three of them. They were all denied bail so they've been in jail since the day were arrested.

The judge came in and sat on the bench.

I was the first witness to be called up to the bench.

Bailiff-Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth,  and nothing but the truth?


First the prosecution came up and asked me some questions and then it was the defenses turn to question me.

Defense-So Brianna, u say that believe one of the three defendants slipped something into your cup at this party correct?


Defense-Are u positive?

Me-Yes I am.

I'm a little confused Bout where this is going but I just kept answering his questions.

Defense-Your honor,  we have a couple of videos from a few different parents in which Ms. Brianna was in attendance.

He played the first and I remember that party. It was one of the first I had went to and in the video it showed me getting high with a couple of friends. It was my first time smoking weed too.

The second was of me at another party just a week before what happened and it was the same thing only in this one,  it was where a friend was offering me a pill which o turned down because I had never popped pills before and I didn't want to start then. But in the video, it only showed the part where the pill was offered to me and then it cut off there.

Defense-After viewing these videos,  who are we to say that Ms. Brianna did not willingly take any of the drugs that were found her system after the alleged assault?

The prosecution got to come up and ask me more questions about what was in the videos.

Prosecutor-Brianna,  in the video where u were being offered the pills, did u accept them?

Me-No I didn't. Yes I did smoke but what was in that first video was my first time doing it and I never took any pills.

Prosecutor-Your honor, ladies and gentlemen of the jury,  the defense is inevitably trying to destroy the victims character by bringing up these videos. They are trying to make is seem as though she is an avid drug abuser, which she is not.

Judge: The jury will disregard the video as evidence.

They talked some more and they were literally smirking through this whole case. It's like they literally don't care about what they did to me at all. Now I have one of their children and my child will never know the love of their father because he raped me and is in jail.

Finally, after a long of testimony and deliberation, the jury came back with a decision.

Juror: On the count of rape in the first degree, we find the defendants, Kaleb Drayton, Braden Ells, and Eli Willis guilty.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

Judge: Thank you all for your time today.

She dismissed the jurors.

Judge: Miss Brianna, would you like to say anything before sentencing?

I looked at my family and they all have me encouraging looks.

I nodded and got up to go to the stand.

Me: I wasn't going to ever say anything because I was so embarrassed by what had happened. But then I found out I was pregnant. Y'all don't really understand what y'all have put me through. And I honestly don't feel as though any of you really care since y'all sat here and smiled through this whole case. I think the only time y'all expression changed was when they said y'all were guilty. I know you all thought you were going to get off and you probably would have if I had not gotten pregnant. life is forever changed because of what you guys decided to do to me that night. I just want to know why me? What was it about me that made y'all want to do that to me?

Kaleb: You were the easy pick. We seen you at other parties before. We knew how you were. Be honest. You wanted one of us anyway. Didn't you?

Me: No. I didn't even know who y'all were. I knew we went to the same school but nothing other than that. I went to that party because one of my friends wanted to go and she didn't want to go alone. It was definitely a big mistake. I should have never snuck out of the house that night.

I wiped my eyes. I was an easy pick for them. The way I had portrayed myself before made them believe that I deserved what they did to me. Yes, I wore some revealing clothes. But that doesn't mean I deserved to be raped. Does it?

Judge: Miss Brianna, you can step down.

I got down and went back to my seat.

Judge: I am ready to rule. You are all over the age of 16 years old. Kaleb Drayton, I am sentencing you to 60 years with the possibility for parole after 25. Braden Ells, you are being sentenced to 50 years, with the possibility of parole after 20. And finally, Eli Willis. You were the only one to show even the slightest bit of remorse. You are sentenced to 35 years with the possibility for parole after 15. You all will be transported to the Madsford County Correctional Facility where you will serve your sentence.

She hit her gavel, they were escorted out, and then we left.

This has been a long ass day. All I want to do now is sleep.
Chapter 5 coming soon

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