Part 8

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I didn't feel like heading back to the feast but I didn't really have a choice. After a few more minutes of contemplation, I decided to return to the festivities. As soon as I entered the ballroom, it was time for the Traditional Strathspey Dance. The music started to play and patners quickly gathered onto the floor. My eyes darted the room for any sign of Jon when suddenly I felt someone pulling me by the hand. It was Jon. He lead me past the dancing couples, weaving a path to the centre of the ballroom. We took our positions and joined in with the beat, performing the steps in unison.  At several points during the dance, people would randomly step on my dress by mistake and I would constantly almost trip and have Jon magically help me regain balance. At those brief moments we would laugh and genuinely enjoy ourselves. 

Unfortunately, the banquet was soon over and Jon and I found ourselves by the main door bidding our guests farewell. The last to leave were my parents and my sisters. I'd been attempting to speak to Pauline and explain myself all night but she seemed to have dissolved into thin air after our argument. As soon as I spotted her approaching the door, I stepped forward to talk to her but my mother quickly blocked my path and forcedly embraced me. I tried my best to contain my frustration at that moment.

"It was so lovely getting to see you get engaged to such a respectable gentleman." mother claimed once she had pulled away.

"We hate to leave in a hurry but the carriages are waiting for us." father commanded. My sisters followed him out one by one, nodding their head as a symbol of their farewell to me.

"Be brave my child."said mother as she caressed my cheek. She then walked off, out of the building. I spotted Pauline, frozen to the spot, looking at me blankly in her yellow dress.

"Pauline please let me explain..."

She ran out of my reach and hurried into the carriage. I wanted to chase after her so badly but I knew I could not, especially not in Jonathan's presence.

Once the foyer was cleared and servants were running everywhere, quickly cleaning up after the feast, Jonathan motioned me to follow him upstairs. I expected him to lead me to his room but instead he kept on walking till we arrived at the door of my chamber. He opened the door and allowed me to enter before him. I sat down at the foot of my bed and watched as he closed the door behind him.

"You did well tonight. The guests were satisfied and most importantly, my parents are." he said in a smooth tone.
"Don't worry. You will only have to keep up the act of caring for me for a few more months until the wedding."

"Why is that?" I asked without thinking twice.

"After the wedding, the King has promised my father a high position in the Royal Council and hence, my parents will move to London. You will therefore no longer need to even speak to me to say the least."

"Is that--"

"Obviously, that position will be granted if and only if you bear me an heir."he stated curting me off. "I shan't keep you up any later." he said a few moments later. "Good night."

He left me. Alone. In the darkness. Once I got married I would wander these empty halls everyday with nowhere to go. I would become a ghost. A slave to this man who I tried to love but pushed me away in return.

The next morning, I was enjoying a breakfast scone when Blair approached me.

"Lord Jonathan Clairvolt requests your presence in the drawing room m'lady." she said timidly.

"Ah... has he told you why?" I asked as I picked the napkin from my lap and placed  it on the table.

"No m'lady. That is all he told me." she said. I smiled at her with thanks and walked to the drawing room. 

When I entered, Lord Jonathan was sitting on the oak armchair and one of his pages was playing the piano. As soon as he spotted me, Lord Jonathan flicked his wrist and the page stopped playing and walked out of the room, leaving us completely alone.

"Sit down Alyssa."he instructed. I took a seat on the sofa. "Yesterday, I met an old friend of mine who also was very pleased with the way we presented our relationship." he paused to clear his throat.  "He was in fact so delighted that he has invited me to the annual ball he hosts every year up in Carlisle."

"And how does this concern me?" I asked.

"He gave me an invitation addressed to myself and my wife-to-be and since I knew you would rather not attend, I asked mother if she would come with me instead." he added.

"And what did she say?" I asked. The words took my breath away.

"She forbade me to attend without you."

"She did?" I asked once again surprised by what he had previously confessed.

"Yes. You will henceforth attend this ball and that is an order." he commanded.

"Aye my lord." I nodded.

"Have you not any objection?" he asked expectantly.

"Why should I?" I began. "It is what is expected of me."

"Is that the only reason why you found no objection to accompany me?"

I looked him in the eye.

Legends From The Highlands: Love-LockedWhere stories live. Discover now