Part 4

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Two days later I stood inside the gazebo in the middle of the garden along with a dance instructor that Lady Estelle hired to come teach me to dance. I did know how to perform some simple steps but the waltzer had recently gained popularity after the queen had considered it a tradition to perform it at all the balls she attends. Therefore, Lady Estelle contacted the royal household and asked for permission to bring in the queen's personal instructor to teach me the waltz.

"First you must bow to your partner like this."began the instructor as he demonstrated in an exaggerated way. I carefully observed his movements.

"Now you try dear."he smiled. I triee my best to bow as best as I could. "Not bad at all. Now we shall focus on the basic positioning of the arms." He slowly placed one of my hands on his shoulder and held the other one in his hand. For a second I pictured myself dancing with my beloved Arthur my hand clasped in his and his hand around my waist.

"My good lady, you are very relaxed. Most women are as stiff as a pole."he said interruoting my thoughts. He must have noticed a frown forming on my face. "Do not trouble yourself m'lady. You will learn the steps very quickly."
We spent the entire afternoon dancing and I stepped on the poor instructor's toe so many times that a servant had to be called with a pitcher of water to cool down his inflammation. However, by sunset, I had managed to perform the routine without any undesired mishaps. After I was bathed and dressed for dinner, I was escorted to the dining room where the Earl, Countess and Jonathan were sitting arpund the table packed from end-to-end with silver trays and dishes. I slowly sat down.

"Excuse my tardiness."I said as I sat down and a servant placed a cloth on my lap.

"Oh think nothing of it my dear."smiled the Earl. "I hear you have familiarised yourself with the waltz..."


"And what do you think of it?"

"'Tis a most beautiful work of art. Very romantic."I said without thinking twice. I glanced at Jonathan from the corner of my eye but he kept on eating silently as if I had said nothing.

"I agree. It is truly à la mode at the moment. Everyone in the upper classes is adopting it. No wonder the Austrian monarchy has mastered it decades ago."exclaimed Lady Estelle.

"And now, at the engagement banquet you may boast this romantic dance in front of all our guests... including the King."

"The King?"I exclaimed suddenly feeling as if all the breath had been knocked out of me. "The King will be present?"

"Why if course..."the Earl and his wife laughed. "The King is a true friend to the family and we have helped the royal family for the past three centuries with arms and recruits. It is imperative that he is present for the engagement of the future Earl."

"Would it be a problem my dear?"asked Lady Estelle.

"No."I shook my head but I did not mean it. Meeting the King would be a true honour but not under those circumstances where I would be watched like a hawk by my father, forbidden to speak to my sisters and forced to lie about my father's true intentions. Besides, my father had encountered many problems with high status families in the past apart from the Clairvolts, including the Royal Family. A shiver was sent down my spine as I dreaded the drama that he would cause. I hated being the centre of attention and father always made sure that I would be.

Weeks rolled by as I got carried away, my thoughts lost in wedding preparations just one month before the wedding and two weeks before the engagement ball. I had recently discovered from one of the maids back home that my father had been abducting each letter addressed to my sisters that I had sent since I was away and threw them in the fireplace to make sure no one ever read them. I was infuriated but knew that really and truly I could do nothing. I was days away from home and I knew perfectly well not to go there without Jonathan, who was way too busy to accompany me and would probably refuse anyway.

The sound of the clocktower chiming interrupted my thoughts and as I was about to continue reading the book in my hand, I heard hooves approaching the castle grounds. I quickly looked out the window to see a carriage stop in front of the grand steps in the courtyard. Curious to see who had arrived, I waited for the footman to open the door of the carriage and watched as a rather juvenile man descended, followed by a fair lady with blonde hair and a baby blue gown with a matching parasol.  Before I could observe further, I heard a knock on the door to my chamber.

"Come in."I called. A young maid entered.

"You are requested downstairs to acknowledge the arrival of Lady Florentina and Lord Esteban."said the maid. "Please descend to the foyer as soon as possible." I followed the maid out and quickly went downstairs. As I appeared in the foyer, I could see that the Earl , Countess and Jonathan were all there already greeting the two visitors. I watched silently as all Clairvolts had their backs towards me. Suddenly, to my surprise, Lord Jonathan embraced the fair lady and held her in his arms for some time. I felt my breath hitch and could not believe my eyes. He actually seemed to care for her... maybe even love her. I certainly could not say the same for myself.
As soon as the Earl saw that I had arrived, he motioned me to join them.

"May I introduce Lady Alyssa, daughter of the Earl of Cheffield..."he announced. The lady and lord averted their gaze towards me. The lord quickly took my hand and kissed it.

"It is my greatest pleasure to meet you m'lady."he said with a beautiful smile.  "They call me Lord Esteban of Gibraltar."

"Happy to make your acquaintance."I smiled back as I nodded at him.

"This is my little cousin, Lady Florentina."he said as the girl stepped forward.

"I am not little, cousin. In fact I have recently turned eighteen... making me eligible for matrimony."she said the words with so much enthusiasm and ambition you'd think she was plotting murder. However, what really put me off was how she kept glancing back and forth at Jonathan and that he did not seem to mind one little bit.

"How about we get to know each other better over some tea?"suggested the Countess.

"Wonderful."clapped Lady Florentina. "I simply cannot wait to tell you all about the time when Jonathan placed rats in the fencing master's helmet or that time when Jon and I swapped the sugar and salt and had everyone drinking salty tea all winter."she giggled. I glanced at Jonathan to see he was smiling at these recollections.  As we were walking into the tearoom, I decided to ask Lady Florentina the question that had been on my mind since their arrival.

"Have you known Lord Jonathan for a long time?"

"Oh of course my dear."she giggled loudly. "You can say we are childhood sweethearts."

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