3: Paragraphing

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Nobody is going to read your story if it's congested into one paragraph, no offense, but this was exactly what my English teacher told us. It is pretty difficult to insert proportional indents into Wattpad, so at least put some spaces in between paragraphs to distinguish them from each other (press return or enter twice).

Also, paragraphs are meant to separate a group of sentences from another group of sentences of a different topic.

They're not meant to separate every sentence.


This is wrong.

Don't do it ho.

Descriptions should fit into one paragraph (in Cambridge context its approximately 6-8 sentences, I know it's pretty long, but it's your choice). If you're writing an entire paragraph about the character's hair and another one about their eyes, y'all better stop. Get some Jesus.

Every new speaker should have a paragraph for themselves. When writing in direct speech or a statement, cut to a new paragraph when a second character is speaking. You can put some dialogue into one paragraph but I'd rather not, that'd look wrong.


"Are you okay?" I asked him. "Yeah, I'm ok," he said. "Ok," I replied. My mom made us brownies and hash browns. We were high.

"I really don't need this right now," she muttered. Penny mustered a small grin.

"You'll get hungry. And when you get hungry you die."

Mei glared at the petite girl sourly, pushing the tray of Thin Mints away from her chest. Clearly, she wasn't in the mood to eat, and this was definitely not about her anorexia.

Create that aesthetic, fam.

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