Chapter 14 Promo

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Chapter 14:Remember Promo  

Note From the Author: 

Hey you guys!!! I know its been a long time, but I have been busy with school and family issues. I know you're mad and everything, but please don't be sore about it. This is going to be a short chapter because I'm a little off my game, but other than that I am happy to be back, and I hope to see you fan, vote and comment. I love you guys!!! 


~Hannah Faye

I regretted the words the moment I said them. Of course I didn't mean them, but my emotions were high, and I could feel my blood boiling through the roof. 

I walked through the doors and stopped, lost as to which way to go next.  

So I did the only thing I knew to do.  

I spun around in a circle and went where my finger landed... which turned out to be the grand staircase. 

I ran up them taking two at a time, and gasped for air as I reached the top. 

"For a vampire, I sure am out of shape," I breathed out aloud to myself. "Now where the hell am I?" 

The second floor of the castle revealed what appeared to be an endless hallway of doors.  

"Which one do I choose?" 

With a shrug I closed my eyes, walked forward a few feet, turned to the right, and opened my eyes. 

It was a door encrusted with blood red rubies. I reached for the handle, and felt nothing but empty air. Glancing down I noticed there was no doorknob.  

"That's weird," 

I searched the other side, but there was still no doorknob. Thinking that there was no way, I looked at the middle of the door. 

There was a door nob. 

"More weird!" 

I put my hand on it to turn it, and felt a sharp prick to my palm. I jerked it back, and looked down at my injured hand. 

There were two fang marks along the meaty part of my hand. I glanced back at the knob and sure enough there were two metal fangs protuding from the bottom.  

But that wasn't what held my attention. 

My blood was traveling in a slow circle around the knob, and I could hear audible clicks from somewhere inside the door. 

"No way!" I whispered to myself. 

The door suddenly whooshed open, and I jumped back in surprise. 

I stepped inside, and lights came on almost immediately. 

What I saw shocked me completely. 

Note from the author: I know really short right? This was just a teaser for the upcoming chapter that will be action packed and full of.... stuff. Think of this as a Promo like for television series. 

So please vote comment and fan, and I will bring you the real chapter shortly. If I get 5 comments and 10 votes I will upload on Monday

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2012 ⏰

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