Chapter 10:

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Chapter 10: Elysica

            Alex rubbed the bare patch of skin just above my knee, right below where my skirt settled. We were in the car on the way to my bookshop. The motion of Alex's hand drawing circles on my knee sent shivers up to places where I shouldn't have shivers.

            Clearing my throat nervously, I asked him, "Why are we going here again?"

            I glanced at him when he didn't answer me straight away, I glanced in his direction. He had his eyes on the road, his attention focused solely on the road.

            I laid my hand on his upper thigh and gently squeezed.


            "Hmm?" he said, tracing my leg from knee to thigh on top of my skirt, up and down.


            He was causing damage to my vocal chords, and I had to shake my head and clear my throat before I could continue.

            "Why are we going to the bookshop? I see no reason why you shouldn't tell me...-," I sucked in a sharp breath when he turned and gave me a devil-may-care grin.

            "You'll see," he said, his deep voice sending shivers up my spine.

            "Cold?" he asked, when he felt me shake.

            "No, you smug sarcastic pompous ass," I muttered, and glanced out the front windshield as we pulled into the parking lot. I frowned as he pulled into my parking spot.

            "Alex," I said as he started to unbuckle his seat belt.

            "Yes, dear?" he asked me distractedly, unbuttoning his cuffs and rolling up his sleeves.

            "This is my parking spot," I pointed out, struggling to open my seat belt.

            I saw him glance up from the corner of my eye, saw him take in the sign that said Owner.

            "So it is, darling," he remarked, and bent over to unfasten my seatbelt himself. He brushed my forehead with his lips as he did so, and he lifted my chin with one long index finger.

            I had no choice but for my eyes to meet his. His gaze arrested mine, and my breathing sped up.

            "You are so beautiful, Adelina Ionescu," he said, and bent forward to brush my lips with his.

            As soon as our lips touched, a shiver of heat coursed through my body, and I twined my fingers though his hair to hold his lips in place. My fluttered closed, and I felt myself getting lost in the feel of him. His hands were everywhere, and I knew that I wanted him to touch me everywhere. I decided to tease him a little. I sucked his bottom lip into my mouth and licked the soft skin of his inner lip. I took his groan to mean that I could continue.

            I nibbled on the flesh that I had in my mouth, then I bit down. Hard. I bit down hard enough to draw blood, and then I sucked on the little wound I had made, gasping at the delicious taste of his blood.

            My head argued that I should be repulsed by my act. But I wasn't listening to my head... I was listening to my heart.

            I licked the wound, and the blood stopped flowing. Ha. That stuff from the Sookie Stackhouse novels actually worked. I must have some sort of healing properties in my saliva.

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