Chapter 9:

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Chapter 9: Return

            “What do you mean she has our daughter?” Alex asked me, shaking my shoulders.

            “What does it sound like Alex?” I asked feeling the tears rushing down my cheeks. “Judia has our daughter. She has Aiyanna, our beautiful baby girl. We have to go back,”

            I jerked his hands off me and started walking back toward the house.

            “Honey, why don’t we go in, I’ll make you some hot chocolate, and we can talk about this,” he cajoled, placing an arm around my shoulders.

            I flinched when he touched me.  I couldn’t help it.

            “Please don’t touch me,” I said quietly. “How could you lie to me about whom you were?”

            “Darling, I did not lie,” he said, trying to pull me into his arms.

            “No,” I whispered. “But you evaded, and that’s just as bad,”

            I jerked my arms from his grasp, and stomped toward the house.

            A stinging in my foot drew me up short, and I winced. Maybe running outside barefoot wasn’t the brightest thing to do. Steeling myself against the pain, I limped the rest of the way to the back door, slamming shut behind me.

            I could feel Alex’s eyes on me through the screen door, and drew a deep breath.

            “As of right now, our invitation into my household is rescinded. Let me know when you are ready to apologize,” I said, and walked up the stairs, taking them two at a time.

            Time to battle, I thought.


Alex’s POV

            I stared at the screen door in amusement, my thoughts radiating surprised thoughtfulness.

            You couldn’t keep Vampire Royalty out of a household. Only those of a common sorts needed an invitation. This was just like the myth about sunlight. Again, Royalty could do things other vampires couldn’t.

            Shaking my head, I decided to amuse her.

            Shifting into mist form, I slid through the screen door, shivering at the feel of the coarse metal. Flying up the stairs, I could hear a quiet humming, and went to investigate.

            Adelina sat on the bed, packing clothes in a suitcase, humming a lullaby. Soon, her soft voice drifted into song.

            “Sweet baby mine,

            Don’t you cry,

            Listen to the sound of the wind.

            Dry your tears, close your eyes,

            And dream of birdies that fly...,”

            I smiled in my mind, remembering the lullaby she used to sing to Aiyanna. Her memories were truly coming back.

            I shifted into solid form and sang the next verse.

            “Sweet baby mine,

            Don’t you cry,

            Dream of Roses in the Spring...,”

            She swung around at the sound of my voice, but instead of ordering me out of the room, we finished the song together.

            “Sweet baby mine,

            Dry your eyes,

            And dream as a princess should...,”

            Tears blurred my vision as I tried to choke them back. Adelina’s eyes were misting, so I walked over to her and pulled her close to my chest.

            “Alexander, whatever are we to do?” she asked me.

            I kissed her curls and stroked her back.

            “IDK, sweetheart,” I said.

            Her shoulders started shaking, and, thinking she was sobbing, I held her tighter.

            “Honey, everything will be fine,” I told her.

            A giggle erupted from her chest, and I pulled back from her, incredulous.


            “I’m s-sorry,” she said, crying and giggling at the same time. “Y-you s-said IDK!”

             I was bewildered.

            “Isn’t that what they say in this realm?” I asked, furrowing my brow.

            “In text messages!” she laughed, pulling out of my embrace.

            “Oh,” I nodded, understanding.

            This world was so confusing, with the OMG’s, and that IDK’s and the. “Yo mama is so fat...”

            Who would refer to someone’s mother as fat? That was just utter rudeness...

            “Adelina, if you are ready to the land of your birth, I am ready as well,”

            After all, if Judia truly had Aiyanna, there wasn’t a moment to be lost.

Note from the author:

Hey guys i know its short but please bear with me.. i have had alot on my mind


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