Imagine // Question Time.

Start from the beginning

"Not everyone hates you" leaning forward with a faked stage whisper you said to him "I don't hate you Murphy"

He was stunned into silence once more staring at you. Finally though he shook his head "yes well, as we've already established sweetheart you're drunk"
"I would still say that sober" you announced loudly waving your arms around theatrically as you spoke. Suddenly your arms stilled as you stared at him. Something had just occurred to you in lightning clarity. "You have pretty eyes... John"

The light in your own eyes went out as all that moonshine finally caught up with you. Falling forwards again but this time into Murphy who even shocked managed to catch you. Leaving him sat there with an unconscious girl in his lap.


You woke up slowly, your head was pounding and your stomach was churning. The light coming through your shut eyes was already hurting so you had no idea how bad it was going to be if you actually opened them. It wouldn't be good that was for sure.

Your memory of last night was fairly fuzzy but what you did remember was copious amounts of alcohol and some very poor decision making on your part.
Groaning you did manage to open one eye slightly, sure enough the light drove agonising spikes of pain through your brain igniting what was sure to be the most vicious migraine every recorded.

"So, sleeping beauty awakens"

"What?" your voice was rough, like you were talking over sandpaper. "Where?" opening your eyes fully you realised that you didn't recognise the tent you were in. What you did recognised though when you looked over was the boy who was speaking. "Murphy?"

"The one and only"

"Why am I in your tent?"

That smirk he did all the time appeared on his face. Wait... that wasn't the first time you'd thought that in the last 24 hours. Wasn't the first time recently that you'd been staring at his mouth like this, thinking about that smirk.

"Well darling, that's a long story. Involving a lot of alcohol and a girl passing out unconscious in my lap"

"Oh god...." Rubbing a hand over your face you managed to push yourself up to a sitting position. "That was me. I passed out over your knee"

"You did indeed"

"Like some sort of damsel in distress"

"One and the same sweetheart"

"Don't sound so smug Murphy" you managed to get your legs over the side of the bed and onto the floor. "One time deal only"

"Yeah, thought so"

There was something almost depressive in his voice. Something resigned that made you look up once more into his face. He wasn't looking at you anymore and the smirk had vanished. Instead he was staring fixedly at a spot on the floor that you couldn't figure out why he found so interesting.

The rest of the evenings conversation was starting to come back to you as well. You'd actually had a fairly serious conversation with him considering how drunk you were. Especially towards the end of the night.

"I don't hate you Murphy" you tried to get him to look up at you with your words but he was still staring at the floor. "I'm not just saying it because I feel sorry or indebted to you either. I honestly don't hate you"

Finally his eyes came back to your own. He wasn't looking smug anymore and the smirk had gone instead he looked... hopeful.

"I have no reason to hate you Murphy, sure you can be an ass but then so can Bellamy, and you at least have one major advantage over him"

"Oh yeah? What's that?"

Twitching up the corner of your mouth trying to imitate his own smirk you leant forward towards his face. "Well, you're a lot prettier than him for one thing"

You'd shocked him again, you were getting good at that. Managing to push up to your feet you only wobbled slightly as your head spun a little.

"Y/N?" You stopped by the entrance of the tent looking back at Murphy he had a genuine smile on his face for once. "You're fairly easy to look at as well"

"I'll take that as a compliment"

"You should"

You stayed still staring at him a moment longer before leaving the tent, who would have guessed that Murphy could have ever ignited that little churning motion in your stomach. That need to spend time with another person and be in their company. You guessed that meant you'd be seeing a lot more of Murphy in the immediate future and damn did that sound good.

Author: saibh29

John Murphy | Imagines & PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now