Imagine // Wanna Make $20? (Part 2).

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you both walked out of the diner, you, slightly in front of him. i say walked, but you mostly skipped, the food you just ate giving you unspeakable energy.

"jesus christ y/n slow down" murphy stumbles after you, grinning

you chuckle at him while you wait for him to catch up. when he finally does, you nudge him lightly with your shoulder, grinning up at him

"you know if i nudge you back you'll fall over. don't test me y/n"

you smirk and raise a eyebrow "you will?"

"hell yeah i will"

you think about it for a minute but come to the conclusion that murphy is probably a lot stronger than you and you're not up for that. "i'll let you off. but only this time" you reply, sitting your self down on a bench and patting the small space beside you "sit."

"have you seen how much space you've left me?"

"do i care?"

murphy sighs and pushes you along the bench, stopping when there's enough room for him to sit down. you suppress a smile and turn your head towards him

"the point in that was?" he asks slyly, raising his eyebrows

"none, just for my own personal enjoyment." you tease, wrapping murphy's jacket tighter around you, trying to fight off the cold chill of the evening

"women are complicated"

"women aren't complicated, you're just dumb" you reply, turning to face forward. you close your eyes and breathe in the crisp fall air, enjoying the moment.

there's a few moments of comftable silence before murphy speaks up "y'know, how people say you fall for the people you least expect?" he starts. you hum in response, taking another deep breath.

"well, they're wrong."

"they are?" you reply, still not opening your eyes

"i kinda always expected i'd fall for you"

it takes you a few seconds to process what he's just told you. you open your eyes and turn to him "did you just-"

"yeah, i did"

it's fair to say that your heart was beating faster than usain bolt on crack, rendering you speechless to what murphy had just told you. "are you serious?" you ask, not quite believing him

"yeah, i'm-i'm pretty serious right now"

you turn and look over at him is disbelief. before you can think through what you're doing, you place your lips on his. he doesn't hesitate to kiss you back, his hands reaching up to cup your face. you smile into the kiss, failing to hold back your excitement. you pull away slightly, but only enough so your faces are inches away from one another's.

"i hope that's an 'i do too'"

"you're damn right it is"

Author: subtleish

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