Challenge: NOT a Chapter! (SORRY!)

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      Hey guys!! I know I literally just published a new chapter, but I had a really cool idea!! It is probably selfish of me, but I've seen people do this for people they really like, and so if it isn't too much trouble....

     Heehee!! I've wanted to do this for a SUPER long time now, but after seeing Super_Mario_Sister's awesome new cover by the lovely @olivialikesdrawing, I just couldn't help myself! :D So, it would make me so freaking incredibly happy if you read the rules below, and entered!!!!.....

     Hey guys! @XxPrincess_DaisyxX here! I'm holding my very first contest- A COVER CONTEST! *cheers* Anyways, I've been meaning to update ALL of my covers for a LONG time now, so please submit yours, and....

1) Make sure it is your own work! Don't worry- using images online is perfectly fine, just don't copping somethings exactly!

2) Please have my name and the story title, as well as your own name present for full credit to you, ya lovely artist! ;) (If you want! I will always give credit in the description, if you prefer only that!)

3) Please DM me your entry ASAP!! I am so excited and can't wait to announce the winners on  MARCH 20TH!!! I REPEAT: MARCH 20TH!! WOOHOO!!!

Anyways, get to it you guys!! Winner receives an exclusive chance to keep your favorite (living) character in TMG until the final fight!!!! (DOES NOT GAURENTEE THEIR VICTORY OVERALL!!)

So have fun, and work hard! See you all soon! ;)

Later, angels!!

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