Chapter 13

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                  I caught Sadira as she slumped against me. “Help me,” I groaned to James as I tried to support her weight. Slipping his arm around her, he eased her weight off of me. “Thanks,” I said still supporting half of her weight. I really hoped that all this fighting was over. Anymore and someone would be hurt more than Sadira is. “Let's get out of here. Anna is there anywhere close to here that seems safe?”

                        “I have no idea. The map isn't that detailed,” she said consulting the map.

                         “We might as well as head out of here,” James said. We headed into the forest opposite of the escapee. Sadira was between me and James. In front of us was Anna. She held the silver sword, her bag, and the quarterstaff. “You got everything, Anna?”

                            “Yeah. Let's head out,” Anna said rolling her eyes. Anna walked with a slight limp. We walked for half an hour stopping periodically to rest. We finally made it to a resting spot. It was between a couple of trees. A few yards away was a large lake. We stayed in the trees. Using moss Anna made a pillow for Sadira. Carefully James and I set Sadira down. 

                       “I'm going to need a few raspberries. Anna go find those. Quinn find leaves, and build a fire,” James commanded.  “Anna I need water.” Ann threw him the water bottle, and I headed to collect leaves and things for fire. Gathering leaves I set them by James. Anna returned with raspberries. James threw them in the bottle. “Anyone have a knife?” Anna threw him one as I built a fire. “Quinn make some sort of thing so I can heat this. Hurry she may be bleeding to death,” James commanded as he put pressure on the wound. With Anna's help and her bag we constructed a stove of somewhat. Meanwhile James sliced the leaves into fourths. He set the bottle over the fire, and let the raspberry water boil. When it bubbled he added the leaves. Using a stick he stirred it. When it had boiled again he pulled it off the fire. While it cooled he set a few leaves over Sadira's heart wound. Taking a cloth from Anna he soaked it in the boil. Then placed that over Sadira's heart pushing it down. He instructed Anna to force her to drink the potion as well as smear some over her thigh.  As she did I watched the fire burn. James finished and looked over at us. Anna sat next to me. “Now we wait for her to wake. The wound isn't too bad. It'll be awhile though. Anna how is your foot, I noticed you were limping?”

                             “It's fine someone fell on it. It'll be better by tomorrow. Here's this.”Anna threw my hunting knife to me. “I found it on our way back.” I thanked her. 

                             “We may as well rest. Take watches. Who goes first?”

                             “I will,” I said volunteering. They agreed. Laying on either side of the trees Anna and James fell asleep as the sun started to set. I started the fire. I sat watching them sleep. I slid my swords, and their harness to the ground. I put the knife in my boot. I would have to feed the fire every once in a while. When I got tired I would scale the trees. I would count to see if I got faster each time. I looked at them all sleeping. I hoisted myself onto the lowest branch. Anna twitched in her sleep her red hair swished over her face. My gaze traveled to the newest member of our team, Sadira. She had dark skin as well as dark hair. Her hair was dark brown, very curly, and past her shoulders. It was pulled out of her face with a thick purple headband. Sadira had light brown eyes. They were framed by dark lashes. She wore a short blue skirt, a lavender shirt, dark green leggings, and short brown shoes. Sadira could make force fields as well as change shape that was useful. I looked over at all of them. Those were the only friends I ever had. Besides Marie they were my family now. Anna shivered in the cold.

                  After adding more I quickly scaled the tree going as high as possible. I found a comfortable position. I pulled my hair out of its hold. Letting the wind play with it. Wind blew as the trees rattled. I crossed my arms across my chest. I touched where the wound from Merlock had been. Looking around I saw something that made my blood run cold. I saw fire and smoke rising from a far off town. Slowly a dragon rose from the burning city. I quickly dropped through the branches. Pushing off some and swinging of others I landed with a thud. Quickly I smoldered the fire.  Light and smoke attracted dragons. I slid into the shadows keeping out of the clearing.  Soon the dragon slid in front of the moon casting his shadow. He let out a chilling roar. Anna sat up quickly looking all around her. I counted to sixty a few times. The dragon would be gone by now. I slid into the clearing. “Hey, just a dragon go back to sleep. Its far gone by now.”

                       “I can't now. Wake James and tell us about Sadira.” I did as she asked.  It took awhile to wake him up, but he soon did. I told them about everything. The door, the tunnels, the shadoa, and the escape. They listened in rapt awe. “Is it gone for good?” Anna asked. I yawned before I answered.

                        “It should be,” I answered tiredly. 

                        “You should get some sleep, Quinn.” James said. The sun had just risen. I nodded my head. I crawled over to the far side. I had no sooner laid down when I was fast asleep. 


             I woke up to someone gently poking me. I rolled over to see it was Sadira who woke me. “Morning you've been asleep for a while,” she chirped. I groaned as I pulled myself up.

               “How are you feeling?”

               “I don't know what you did, but I feel fine. Hey, I just realized something! Where did your friends go?”


                “Yeah. You’re the only one here. When I woke up you were the only one here.”

                “Oh,” I wonder where Anna and James went. Just as that thought crossed my mind they walked into the clearing, “Hey. How'd you sleep?”

                     “Fine. Where were you guys?” I asked arching my eyebrows and smiling slightly. I looked at James. He was staring at Sadira. I looked at Sadira who was staring open-mouthed at James. I smiled wider. Here was the big reunion. Sadira jumped to her feet, and threw herself at James.  

                  “JAMES!!!” She yelled. He gave her a huge hug. “I never thought I'd see you again! I'm so sorry it's all my fault. You got captured. I mean all of us,” Sadira had a huge smile on. Anna had stepped to the side. She walked over to me, and smiled. She held her hand out to me, and pulled me to my feet.

                       “Hey Sadira. How have you been? It isn't your fault. No one saw this coming.” he smiled comfortingly.

                   “I'm so glad we are all together. Well except my brother, and your step-brother. But, we can find them now. I'm certain,” She smiled.  

                    “What's next? I mean who is next,” Anna asked. Everyone looked at me. I smiled.

                    “It seems like we should rest a day or two. I mean lie low. That way Merlock won't know who's next or where to next. He won't get to us in time. We can sneak up to find the next person.”

                   “That makes sense, but what do we do for today?”


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