Chapter 6

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I gasped when I heard that. How dare he taking me for some sort of criminal. The fact that his emerald green eyes were watching every move that I did, wasn't helping at all. He even raised his eyebrows. It was hard to keep eye contact but I didn't want to let him win. Raph continued to eat his ice cream, not looking at me while doing so.

"Well first off, I wasn't sneaking around okay? I was hungry. And second I didn't mean to steal your ice cream. I even offered to buy you ten buckets, Jesus Christ. Give me a break", I answered, sounding meaner than I wanted.

I immediately wanted to take it back when he answered.

"Feisty. I like it."

That made me chuckle.

"If you think I'm good at being feisty you should see me being sarcastic. I'm a pro at that", I replied.

"Oh is that so?", he wondered.

"You'd cry!"

Now was his turn to laugh. It wasn't hysterical or anything but a deep, short laugh. Apparently he wasn't big with showing his feelings but I didn't mind. Although I immediately knew that I liked relaxed Raph more than his intimidating version. 

My belly was somewhat filled with food but I still needed to pee. Raph was nice enough to tell me where the toilet is. I actually though they'd just pee in the water cause you know, the sewers. But they even had a shower. Everything was so nice. I should really ask them how they make money. I was slowly making my way back, hoping he didn't eat all the ice cream. He was still there and it looked like he didn't move at all.

"Can I ask you something?", I asked and sat next to him again.

He looked at me and nodded.

"I don't want to be rude ... so you don't have to answer if you don't want to but ... why are you living in the sewers?"

"What's wrong with it?"

"Nothing, I actually like it. It's just ... I don't know you could live in Manhattan or a in skyscraper. Being out in the sun and get some fresh air. It's not like you can't do it. Humans and mutants live together you know", I said.

He shrugged.

"This is home. We've lived here our whole life. We don't know anything else and in fact we like it. Yeah you need to get used to the smell but after a while it just ... fits", he explained.

That was probably the most he has ever talked to me. You could hear the pride in his voice. He must really love his home and family. 

"I always wanted to leave and be on my own. Being independent you know. But that has changed. And like you said we all live together topside. So if we ever need something we go out and do some shopping", he continued.

"Well for someone who goes shopping your fridge is pretty sad", I laughed.

"Mikey's fault. He thinks you can survive on soda and pizza", Raph laughed as well.

I felt a bit of pain again and started to sweat. My leg was itchier than before so I quickly examined it.

"Are you okay?", Raph asked.

"Not really sure", I answered truly. 

"You're sweating"

"Oh that's funny, cause I'm actually cold"

Raph was up quickly and stood next to me.

"Let's get you back to the couch", he said, "sleep will help you".

He didn't help me like Donnie did. Didn't held my waist. But I kinda knew he'd catch me if I fall. 

"Actually (Y/N) Donnie left this here in case you'd feel sick", he said as soon as I sat on the couch.

"Is he a medium or something?", I wanted to know.

"He's just good at that science stuff. He probably knew there could be some side effects", Raph shrugged.

He showed me an injection. It looked small in his huge hands but I knew this was going to hurt.

"Yeah nope that's not gonna happen", I replied and paddled backwards.

"But if it helps -", he started and came closer.

"I'm scared of needles Raph", I said cutting him off.

He looked surprised. Raph then sat on the floor, keeping a bit of distance between us, never leaving me out of sight. Playing with the injection in his hand I could tell he was thinking about something. 

"But didn't Donnie take a blood example?"

"Yes. But I was distracted", I explained.

"Just close your eyes and it will be good."

"It's not that easy Raph."

We sat in silence. It was awkward for sure. You have this giant turtle sitting on the floor and me who's sweating yet cold at the same time, neither of us being sure what to say or do. I looked at him. He was frowning over the injection. Donatello probably told him to handle me it if I feel bad and now I was refusing it. I took a deep breathe and said:

"You do it"

"What?", he said looking up.

"You inject it. If you don't do it no one else will", I said.

"You sure? I'm no doctor"

I nodded and sat up a bit.

"Did Donnie tell you where to inject it?", I wanted to know.

"Your leg", Raph mumbled.

"Of course", I sighed rolling my eyes.

The wound was now almost completely closed but it would still hurt. Raph was sitting up as well and looked me in the eyes. I blushed a little. 

"Just look at me", he said, "focus on my voice and nothing else. Okay?"

I stared at his face again. Taking deep breathes in and out while he was fiddling with the injection.

"Be gentle", I whispered.

"I'm no Mikey", he whispered as well.

It made me giggle and at that moment he injected it. I squeaked and closed my eyes. 

"Hey it's okay. Look at me (Y/N)", he said and I did as told, "that's right, you're doing good."

I grabbed his free hand and was surprised at how soft it was. To my surprise he didn't pull his back.

"There you go", he said.

"Thanks Raph", I replied.

He nodded and got up quickly. I decided to still get a bit of sleep and laid down on the couch. 

"Good night Raphael"

"Night (Y/N)", he replied.

I was drifting off to sleep. I don't know what Donnie put into his injections but they always made me so tired.

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