Part 2, Act 8

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-Katelyn's POV- 

Everything is crashing down on me.

I feel like an unsteady boulder, balancing on a pin.

Kim just told me that she is next up on Ein's wrath, and Travis and I are repeatedly fighting.

He never wanted to come here, worried about something with himself.

He's so selfish!


He'll have these episodes where his eyes flash a brighter green and he gets mean and possessive.

I never thought I would say this but...

He's scary.


Katelyn! I told you to stop that! Stand still!

But mommy... Ow! That hurts!

I told you to stay still! This is your punishment!

Elizabeth! Get away from her!


Eric! Stop it!


You agreed to the testing Eric!

I didn't agree to abusing our child you psycho bitch!

I thought you wanted a special child! One that can break bricks and throw cars!

Get out of my house!

She isn't finished!

*Elizabeth throws a potion at Katelyn*

What did you do to her!?

*Eric unlocks Katelyn from her chair and picks her up while Elizabeth walks out*

Whaa- Waaa....

Calm down, she's gone now. You'll be safe.


Remember (Mystreet Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ