Part 1, Act 4

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-Zane's POV-

I can't believe this.

We all spent two years trying to recover from Ein.

And now we just throw that in the trash.

I just want Kawaii-Chan and Aphmau to be safe.

Everything that happened to Aph and Aaron... It just sucks.

Kawaii-Chan and I drove down to the airport together.

We were two of the people Aph and Aaron chose to go with them.

Travis, Katelyn, Me, Kawii-Chan, Garroth, Lucinda, and Kim.

Whatever fight Ein puts up - My job is to protect Nana and Aph.

"Zane-Kun, is everything okay? You look so solemn." Kawaii-Chan said concerned.

"I-I'm totally fine!" I stuttered, trying to play off that I was totally scared out of my mind.

"You don't sound fine,"

"I am!"

"Okay then..."

"Alright, here's the airport."

We turned into the 5th level of a parking garage, and I texted Aaron about the rendezvous.

Aaron: We're meeting at the big fountain outside of the airport.

Me: Alright.

Aaron: Garroth, Aph and I are already there.

"C'mon Kawaii-Chan, we're meeting Aph and the others at the fountain," I told her.

"Okay!" She said as she took her pink suitcase out of the trunk.

When we met up with the others, we swiftly headed to our terminal and boarded our flight after an hour.

Kawaii-Chan and I sat together on the flight, in front of Aphmau and Aaron.

I heard them jokingly whisper about Zane-Chan repeatedly.

When we arrived in the town, the first we did was get food, because, pretzels don't really satisfy.

We ate at some place called Sanibel's, and it was pretty good.

The whole dinner we were all laughing at Travis trying to feed Katelyn shrimp and then getting punched in the face.

Trying to let go of the situation, I guess.

We checked into this hotel that had a huge aquarium in the lobby, so I carried our luggage to our room while Kawaii-Chan stared at the fish.

I was kind of nervous about being in the same room as her, sleeping in the same bed... It all just went over my head.

The room was pretty nice, your standard hotel room.

I started to unpack my stuff while Kawaii-Chan and I conversed over why Ein is back.

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