Chapter 10 ::Ghetto::

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I love they way you keep em heels on,hair ain't yours but it's paid for and real long.Show em tattoos when ya switch it up with ya J's on,and you got a ass sp fat I can't help but fell on.And you keep it real when it comes to havin sex,girl you dont ever flex...Cause you come from the ghetto,love em from the ghetto.Girl you the type I like,that's why I love em from the ghetto.You are the G-H-E-T-T-O.... 

::August POV:: 

It's been a few weeks since the Target thing,I don't work there anymore...I was fired but I work at the other job I applied for.Good thing is Vanz is gettin alot better now,I only go over there when she needs me.Me & Whitney barely talk anymore and I can't lie,I miss her...But for now I gotta handle myself. 

"What's poppin?!" I said walkin into the shop

"Aye,man! How ya doin?" My boss Dequan said givin a customer a flat-top

Where I work at,we treat each other like family.Dequan and his brother Zaquan own this baber/tattoo shop,later on their sister Keonna got into it puttin in her nail salon.I head to my tattoo table and get to work,by noon I made about $65 dollars...Then that's when Whitney walked in with some nigga.

"Aye,you back in town?" Dequan asked havin a customer leave

"Yea man,ya already know." The nigga said in the most hardcore N.O accent "Bruh,ya gotta hook me up." He said slippin down in the chair

"I got you dogg...what you need?" Dequan asked right when Keonna & Zaquan walked in 

Everyone was all over this nigga,talkin bout God knows what cause damn sure I wasn't listenin.After catchin up I guess..everyone went back to work.While he was gettin his mohawk in Whitney was gettin her nails done,her natural beauty kills me.I didn't notice I was starin at her until I got a text from Vanz. 

VanzThrilla--Aug Can Ya Swing By Right Quick 

NOLA--Nah Im @ Work 

VanzThrilla--Urgh Fine..Later Aug 

"Yo dawg,ya mind hookin a brother up wit some tatts?" The nigga asked me causin the room to get quiet 

"Yea man,wen ya done come throu ova hea." I said in my full N.O accent

"Imma get one...I've been plannin on one for awhile." She replied gettin her toes done

"What ya want?" I asked her...ever since she got here she hasn't said one word to me,what did I do?

"Imma tell ya once Im ova there." She replied not lookin at me but closin her eyes

While I was doin his tattoos I find out his name Ke'Jay,he wanted several tattoos so the total for him was $55.I did Whitney tattoos next,I really wish she would talk to me. 

"Why ya ain't talkin to me? I feel like I did somethin." I finally said gettin more tattoo ink

"It's not you..I can't." She said lookin up at me


"Vanessa." She said lettin a single tear fall 

::Vanessa POV:: 

I've been gettin extremely better on my feet durin these past few weeks,I don't need August here as much but I do miss him.I haven't seen much of Whitney and I'm happy about that,me & Tay have became very close.Anyway I'm out with Tay to go to my mama's house. 

"Vanessa,darling!!" My mama said answerin the door 

"Hi,mama....This is my friend Shareece." I said givin her a hug

"Call me Tay,miss." Tay said tryin to sound polite...The struggle is real 

"Come in,girls." Mama said lettin us in...She changed the place up 

"How ya been,ma?" I said floppin on the new couch 

"Not good,mostly after your brother."

"Oh yea,him and that girl Layshae..they cute or whatever." Tay said outta nowhere

"She's the strongest girl I know,after he died she kept her head held high."

"Wait? what?" I semi-yelled givin my mama all my attention

"Oh dear,I've said to much." She whisper to herself  "Sweetie.."

"Nah,dont sugar code anythin! What the fuck ya talkin bout ma!!" I yelled standin up

"Imma wait outside." Tay said slippin out the door

 "You weren't suppose to know..." Mama trailed off  "He wanted to keep it from you."

"Trevor's not dead...You're lying!!!" I yelled

"Vanessa,he's gone...He was shot three times,twice in the head and once in the heart." She said

"You're crazy...he's still alive!! Why are you lying to me!!" 

"Damn Vanz,I'm not lying!! You're just denyin the truth!!!" She finally yelled "Get the fuck outta my house!!" 

"Fine!!! I will!" I yelled grabbin my purse "And don't expect me to ever come back,bitch." I said calm as fuck glancin my death glare at her before slammin the door behind me

The car ride with Tay was silent as fuck,she asked if I was aight and that was only thing she said for the rest of the ride.A millions thoughts were runnin through my head,mainly why wouldn't anyone tell me and how long has he been dead? I need someone to talk to but I doubt anyone would understand...expect for one person 

VanzThrilla--Aug Can Ya Swing By Right Quick 

NOLA--Nah Im @ Work 

VanzThrilla--Urgh Fine...Later Aug 

"Thanks for the ride,Tay." I said once she pulled up to my place

"Anytime...You gonna be okay?" She asked with a sincre look on her face

"Yea girl,Imma be fine." I said lying through my teeth before watchin her drive off 

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