Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

"We slept together. I mean, we slept together, literally speaking."

"Oh gosh, that sounds so romantic!"

Trixie and I busied ourselves the next morning with fixing the clocks that had been turned off by the massive, stormy weather.

I stared at the clocked in front of me, bewildered, somehow forgetting what time it was after just checking my phone. I knew it was around eight in the morning, and I had agreed to meet my grandmother at ten. Yes, I had agreed to see her one last time to settle things once and for all.

"Shh, don't talk so loud. It was an accident."

"There are no accidents, only fate."

"I'll admit, I'm attracted. So attracted. God, I want to kiss him again."

"Again? How many times did the two of you kiss?"

"Twice. Well, once was on the cheek, but I'm counting it."

"At least he's didn't kiss you on the hand. Guys are so weird when they do that."

"Mick isn't weird at all. He's annoying at times, and he can be odd at times, but he's not weird."

I immediately shut up, my ears listening to two feet walking across the living room, right where I needed to adjust a digital clock.

Mick took a seat on the chair, his hands resting on the back of his backwards ball cap. He was shirtless, probably getting ready to go outside to soak up a pretty day.

Trixie winked by my side, pushing me over to him so I could change the clock.

I bent over to change the clock trying not to get hit by Mick's propped up feet on the couch next to the stand, the same couch we slept on. His eyes peered down at me, and I suddenly felt very aware that my butt was up in the air while I tried to change the clock.

"I already changed it." He told me.

"I could have done it." I replied wearily.

"I saved me some time of answering you when you ask me what time it is so you change the clock. I just assume do it myself."

"You could've at least told me before I bent over and wasted my time. I don't like to exhaust my energy." I'm lazy, for anyone who hasn't guessed.

"Now what would be the fun in that?" A chiseled expression blessed his manly face.

"You know what would be fun? Sucker-punching you in the throat." I threatened.

"Ouch. As long as you don't touch my pretty face. That would hurt." He said, pretending to grab his aching heart.

"Your face is ugly." I lied.

"Next to yours it is." Wow, I thought he was going to come back with an insult, and yet he complimented me on purpose to get me riled up, knowing I had no comeback to something so kind.

"Awh, you two are so cute!" Della, in a much happier mood with working electricity, called out from the hallway. I don't know how she could hear us from such a far distance, but the devil hears all, I suppose.

"Aren't we?" He smirked.

"Uhuh. I'm going out for awhile. Be back later, babe." I smirked back.

"I already miss you, baby. I'll be waiting to pin you on the wall to show you how much I miss you when you get back." Leaning up from his chair, his hand slapped me on the rear end, and I fought the urge to snap his finger off.

My heart stalled, and I forced myself to look away and walk out before Della, or Trixie, could comment further. I think we were all shocked he just said that.

I met my grandmother outside a nearby park, mainly because I wasn't familiar with the area and I wanted to stay in a public place. My grandma was late, expectedly, but she did show up afterall.

She wore a gypsy skirt with a white shawl, hoop earrings, and furry knee-high boots with bows on them. I was embarrassed to be seen with her, and mortified for the innocent kids who had to witness such a blinding sight.

"I'm glad you called to meet me." She welcomed herself on the hard, park bench next to me, crossing one leg over the other.

"Yes, I think you deserve to be heard." I turned to face her, scratching my leg that had been stuck to the indentions of the chair. I scratched harder, realizing I was probably bitten by a mosquito. I'd rather be bitten alive by mosquitoes than be with my grandmother.

"I'm glad you feel that way because I do feel like you've treated me rather harshly."

"Oh no, this meeting isn't just for you. I'm going to speak my mind, too. I treated you with respect, and I had no reason not to. Seeing you was a rarity, and hearing from you was less than that. I was okay with you missing my spelling bees, prom, and even my graduation. I told you I loved you, and went on with my day until a month or two later when you'd call for to say hi for a minute. What you did wrong was not showing up to my father's funeral and not coming to see your mourning daughter. You can hurt me, but you won't treat my family like that. I cut ties with you because it was for the best. You live a gypsy lifestyle and you don't stay long, but don't expect I have to act like you are a good grandmother."

"I felt terrible about your father's death, Natalie."

"I bet. The good die young, isn't that what you told me? It would explain why you're still here, talking to me."

"Now, don't be crude. I heard you, now let me speak. I haven't had the best upbringing, and I've strayed away from a family lifestyle."

"Wouldn't that make you want to try harder for your family?" I never wanted to be like her. I wanted to be there for people no matter who's hurt me. I want to love, and love deeply. I don't want to run away.

"Sometimes you can't change who you are inside. I love my family, but I love the thrill of the road, too. I don't know what else to say other than I'm sorry, and that people like me love differently. I love you, I do, and I'm sorry for the way you've been treated."

"The thrill of the road, the adventures you live in life will never be enough if you don't have your family. But maybe you're right; sometimes, you can't change people, and I know I can't change you. I think we should go back to talking every other month, or maybe once a year, because now, after what you've done, that's all I can give to you out of respect. My mother would want me to be civil to you, but I want you to know I won't forget what you've done. The ball isn't in you court anymore because I've taken the ball, and my pride, back. You can never hurt me again." I've gotten my balls back. (Pun intended.)

"Thank you. That's all I wanted."

"And it's all I'm willing to give."

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