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{stage five}

You are the sun that shines above; my source of light.
You help guide me when I couldn't do it alone.
You're always up in the sky, like a kite, but with no string attached to you.

I'm a sunflower.
I needed you always.
You're so close yet so far away.
I needed more of you.
My tendril-like hands reach out to you, but I failed.
I couldn't grasp you, you have no string.

At night, my eyes shut like a flower because you're no longer there.
I ignored the presence of the moon.
I wasn't interested in him, I wanted you.
The moon is sad by the fact that I don't give him the same amount of attention I give to you.

I disregard those who want me because the only thing I have my focus on is you.
Unfortunately, this love is one-sided.

From The Bottom Of My Heart: Gone With the Wind (Poetry)Where stories live. Discover now