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Days has passed like a blur. Your private nurse started working the day after you got discharged. You didn't have any difficulty adjusting because she was in her early twenties and you could easily relate from one another.

Your parents made her stay in the room next to yours and you usually spend the time to gossip a lot. She was like your long lost sister, even your parents and Nana liked her immediately.

"Y/N, time to drink your medicine," Emily said. You really like her name, its cute and suits her well.

"Wait for a minute Em!" you shouted. You were writing your diary since you weren't able to do it the past few days.

You closed your diary and hid it. You immediately went downstairs before Emily could barge in your room.

You already had your breakfast earlier and all you have to do is drink your medicine. After drinking it, Emily checked your temperature and everything. It was a usual routine that she has to do every morning.

"Alright, we're done," she said.

"Okay, I'll go to my room now," you told her. You went to your room and finished writing your diary.

You suddenly thought of something and decided to do it. You grabbed a bunch of papers and some coloring materials. You want to do it while you still have time.

You didn't notice the time and was in your own world when your phone ringed. You answered the call without checking who the caller was.

"Hello," you said.

"Open your door, Y/N," the called told you. You checked who it was and it was Felix.

You panicked and quickly fixed all your mess. You were thankful that you finished it. When you were sure everything was clean, you opened the door.

"What took you so long?" Felix asked heading to your bed.

"I was fixing my mess," you answered.

"Oh really? It's not like I haven't seen your room messy before," he raised his brow at you.

"What? I'm already old, I should actually discipline myself to keep my room clean before letting visitors in," you tried to make an excuse. You were hoping Felix would let it pass, as always.

He just nodded and made himself comfortable.

"So what made you decide to visit without telling me?" you asked.

"What? Is it bad to visit my best friend?" he asked back.

"No, but you usually tell me beforehand," you said.

"I just wanted to see you," Felix looked at you, you saw something in his eyes but couldn't name it.

"Okay," that was the only word you could manage to say. You felt your heart beat fast and you know for a fact that you're blushing.

You realized that you couldn't hold back your feelings for Felix anymore. You tried to ignore it and hoped it would go away but it just got worse.

You know it's really cliché because you ended up falling for him but you knew it was impossible not to. He's easy to love and you learned to love his flaws and imperfection. The little things he does for you may seem like nothing but you appreciate it a lot.

You remembered the time you realized you were starting to develop feelings for him. You were both so young and carefree.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

You were sad that you couldn't go to school anymore and that fact that you were about to start your first year in high school made it worse but instead you had to start homeschooling. Your parents got overprotective and strict to the point that you couldn't to do what you want to do without permission.

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