Chapter 44: The sweetness of daily life

Start from the beginning

"See you tomorrow, Shion," Orion farewelled.

With a mocking face, Shion shielded his head a minute to late before smiling, waving and turning to the house. In a leisurely gait, he strolled up to the front door causing the porch light to flicker.

Having seen Shion at the door with his hand on the handle, Orion lifted his foot from the brake to ease away from the curb when he saw Shion rustling through all his pockets, and fishing out his phone. Curiously, Orion stayed to watched on with amusement.

After flipping out all his pockets, Shion's face looked as dark as the bottom of a pot. He turned around and stalked back to Orion's car.

"Phone," Shion commanded.

"Y-Yes, queen," Orion sniggered mockingly on the verge of full-blown laughing

Passing the phone over to the outstretched hand, Orion again embraced being able to have their fingertips touch. He must be losing his mind to be moved over simple finger touching.

Tapping in the password, Shion unlocked the phone with ease as if it were his own, and dialled Avery's number.

He the slight click indicating someone picked up Shion aggravatedly demanded, "Door, open, now."

"The hell are you back so early. Go roll in the sheets and warm the bed or something. You're so crabby that I'm starting to think you need to get laid," Avery complained over the phone.

"Open the door," Shion replied flatly.

"Ok, ok. I got it, queen," Avery mumbled as the sound of wood creaking was heard.

"Why does everyone keep calling me that?" Shion asked curiously.

Curiously, Avery questioned, "What?"

Without any amount of shame, Shion replied, "Queen."

Avery burst out guffawing as the sound of his steady footsteps stopped indicating that he'd literally bent over laughing.

"I couldn't imagine anything less from you, Shion, my liege," Avery said between laughter.

Rolling his eyes, Shion hung up and passed the phone back to Orion embarrassedly. Having heard Shion's animated interaction with Avery, Orion was a little more than jealous; however, with a straight face, he was prepared to drive away when he saw movement from his peripheral vision.

A hand reached over and ruffled his waxed hair into a shameful state.

"Good night," Shion whispered with a vibrant grin as he heard the door open.

After retrieving his hand from the nest of hair, Shion peered at his digits, "Ewww...gel. Who were you trying to impress?"

Orion's deadpan expression spoke more than words could say in that moments as he watched Shion wave and walk back towards the house.

Touching his hair, Orion rubbed the gel between his fingers. Well, it certainly was an interesting texture. As he sped away from Shion home, he felt a warmth in his heart that had never been there before. Unlike that butterflies that flittered around when his chest when he was close to Shion, this warmth spread to his limbs like a gentle breeze. It was an addicting feeling of just basking in the gentle sun that caused him emotions to bubble positively. One hand on the wheel, Orion touched his forehead for a minute to make sure he wasn't suffering a fever, and taking a big whiff of air to ensure he wasn't high on petrol fumes before he allowed himself to bask in this fluffy feeling.

The drive home was totally silent, but even then, Orion seemed to be experiencing some visual hallucinations because he kept replaying the scene of his hair being ruffled over and over again.

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