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Ok so it's nationals and I'm really really nervous. It's my turn to dance. I have a medium length spaghetti strap dress that is white with black lace over it. I am wearing my tan foot undies. Maddie has a long pink skirt and a pink fitted crop top with long sleeves. Her hair is half up and half down. It is tied together with a pink satin bow. She has big red lips and brown eyes shadow. My hair is in a French twist with black earrings.

"Maddie and Chloe in 5" the director of the competition says.

Maddie and I walk to the stage. Maddie is first so I have an advantage.

The announcer says," Next up is Maddie from the Abby Lee dance company doing a lyrical number called 'On my own'.

Maddie did beautiful turn and leaps. The judges loved her so much. I was really nervous.

Maddie comes off the stage.

"Good luck Chloe." Maddie says.

"Thanks" I replied.

"Have you ever heard of sarcasm?" Maddie asks.

I nod

"Well that was sarcasm. I hope you fall off the stage."

Oh great just what I need.

"Next up Chloe also from the Abby Lee dance company doing a lyrical number called falling for you." the announcer announces.

I dance my heart out doing amazing jumps and turns and flips and everything.

When I get off the stage i feel like I did the best.

I think I can win.



I'm sorry for not updating. I have had a lot on my plate. If you read my other story u will kno why I haven't updated but if u didn't then I will tell u. Me and my bf got into a huge fight and then today I found out the he's smoking weed and chewing tobacco and he's drinking. 😡😢😢😭😭 Plz help me.. I like him but I'm upset with the choices he's making. He is being a jerk. He shouldn't be doing this. I found out the hard way to. So my period 7 class is my gym class. I was outside walking with my best friend Kaylee. (Gym was outside) We walk into the dugout and see some girls in there. they were like ur bf is smoking weed. I was like WTF!!! but I'm like no tht can't be it. So I went to go find him with Kaylee. Then I saw him with a bunch of guys smoking. The during science I walked up to him and asked if he was smoking. He said no but he smelled like tobacco. Then on the bus ride home he went to go throw something away so I looked in his backpack (ik ik wrong of me but can u blame me) and I found alcohol. He plays sports he shouldn't do this. He is amazing at basketball baseball and soccer and it scares me tht he's doing this. I really need to talk to someone so if u wanna meet/talk to me PLZ DM me or Whtever. Thanks and plz keep him in your prayers.


To be the Best //Chloe LukasiakWhere stories live. Discover now