Chapter 6

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Draco woke up with the worst headache he'd ever had in his life. It felt almost as bad as when he would wake up after his father's Cruciatus Curse. He slowly opened his eyes, but quickly closed them again because of the bright light he was met with.

Where am I? And why? [Obviously it hurts. He doesn't have to think that.]

Then the events of the day before started coming back to him. His tutor session with Ginny, where she opened up to him, and then the incident in the Entrance Hall with Weasley.

That's why my head hurts, Weasel hexed me! I must be in the hospital wing.

Suddenly, Draco saw a shadow cross in front of his eyes.

"Open your eyes, Draco."

Ginny's here? What's she doing here?

Draco opened his eyes to see the girl with her hand inches from his face, blocking most of the light. She lowered her hand after his eyes had adjusted a bit, making him realize it was the overhead lights of the infirmiry. Can't they turn those blasted things off?!

"Good to see you're up! I was getting a little worried. Madam Pomfrey said you should have woken up this morning."

"You were worried about me?"

"Of course. My stupid prat of a brother could have killed you!"

"Aw, I never knew you cared." Draco mocked, with a wink.

"Shut up, Draco! You should've seen yourself!"

"Wish I could've. But you see, because of your 'prat of a brother', I was unconscious. How long was I out for?"

"It's Friday night."


"You were supposed to wake up this morning, but Madam Pomfrey said that it was just an estimate, and that you would wake up when you were fully healed. I wanted to stay here until you woke, but I had to go to tutoring. I had the afternoon off though, so I've been here since lunch."

"What do you mean stay here? And what have you been doing?"

"Oh, homework, reading, you know. And, um, I, uh, kind of, um, sort of, um - sleptherelastnight." Ginny blushed the shade of her hair and looked down at her lap.

Draco smiled. It made him feel good that someone cared about him. The only person he'd ever experienced that from was his mother. Maybe I should write to her about Ginny.

"Don't blush Gin. It's alright. Thanks. I mean, for staying here and stuff."

"Well, I told you I was worried!"

"I know. And that, uh, means a lot to me."

This time it was Ginny's turn to smile.

"Well, Madam Pomfrey said to tell her when you woke, because she has to check you over before you can leave. I'll go get her."

Ginny went to the other end of the hospital wing. She returned with the bustling matron, and stepped back so Pomfrey could look over Draco.

After what felt like hours to both of them Madam Pomfrey stepped back, and declared Draco fit to leave. After Draco had changed out of the hospital gown, he and Ginny made their way out of the hospital wing. After a couple minutes of silence, Ginny turned to Draco.

"Dinner's over, but we could go down to the kitchens and get some food if you're hungry."

"I'm starved. And while we're at it, you can tell me what happened after I got knocked out. Oh, do we still have patrols tonight?"

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