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Zeus sighed as he entered the house in the early hours of the morning, he had just come from seeing one of his lovers and he was not in the mood to hear Hera have one of her jealousy runts . As he entered the room he shared with his wife he was not expecting to be greater with silence. He looked towards the bed and saw Hera sleeping soundly, as Zeus looked at his wife he could not help but admire her. Everyone thought that Aphrodite was the most beautiful woman but they were wrong the only reason his wife was not praised for her beauty was because of his jealousy. As he get closer to the bed he noticed that something was not right, his wife was was flickering like a light bulb that was about to go off, Zeus had seen this many times and he knew exactly what was happening to his wife. Zeus run to his wife's side and gently woke her up " Hera!?

Hera my love wake up please! " Zeus whispered in her ear, as Hera woke up slowly her flickering also stopped she looked at Zeus with tired eyes, " what's wrong Zeus, did something happen?" Zeus looked at his wife in confusion, "Hera you were flickering don't you feel different?" "Flickering? But I don't feel any different am sure you didn't see clearly." " but Hera ..." "Calm yourself Zeus am sure it was nothing, am okay see?" She held out her hands for him to see, " I need to take a shower" she got our of bed and shredded her clothes as she headed for the bathroom " and in case you forgot we have a council meeting at 10am" Zeus groans at this, "can't we postpone it or something?" He whined after his wife, Hera laughed at her husband ' the great Zeus, king of the gods whining at the thought of sitting through a council meeting' " we have already cancelled two meeting for your sake, I don't think you've noticed but some of us do have a life!" With that Hera slammed the door of the bathroom and left a puzzled Zeus in the room.

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