"Yeah it really sucks. She's getting weaker and weaker which is making me fall apart and making me upset because I'm never there for her. I love football and I wanna chase my dreams, but I might have to give it up just so I could be with her more often."

"Well I don't think your mom would want that. I think she would want you to be happy." "I know, but I want to make her happy too."

Hearing this made me really upset. Zach was falling apart while I was breaking his heart. I might be the only one he can lean on and yet I'm betraying him.

"Here put this on." Justin said said handing me a zip up. "What about my dress and shoes?" "I'll give it to you later, did you drive here?" "No." "I'll drive you home, just grab my hand and go along with what I'm gonna do." "Okay." I said putting the hood on my head and then grabbing his hand.

"What's up boys?" Justin asked as I looked down. "Yo what's up with you?" Zach asked. "Nothing I'm just gonna bring this girl home." " is she your girlfriend?" "nah just some girl I slept with, but she's still a little tired so I'm gonna bring her home."

"Okay, but get home quick or you're gonna miss playing video games." "Gotcha." He said walking me outside and closing the door.

"Okay so Julian just texted me that Zach has to go get his wallet from his hotel room so you can go back inside, but you just have to wait till he leaves." "Sounds good." I whispered watching Zach walking out of the house.

As soon as he pulled out of the driveway I walked right past Julian and up the stairs.

"Hey Morgan hold up." I heard him say following me. I continued to ignore him until I got to his room.

"Morgan!" "Julian you need to figure out what you want."

"What do you mean?" "You told him that I'm all his. I never talked to him about us actually being together. I almost feel like you didn't even consider my feelings throughout all of this. It's almost like you threw out everything that happened last night."

"I just thought it would help if he had reassurance from someone like you. Even if you don't end up together." "Do you understand how hard long distance is?" "We almost did it and you would've been fine with it."

"How would we almost do long distance If you didn't even have the audacity to get my number?" I asked picking my dress up from last night.

"I don't know, but I screwed up." "I don't even know why I give you so many chances because you end up screwing up every time." I said walking out and then he quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me into him.

"You're right, I'm a fuck up, but it's only because you cause me to fuck up every time." "And you're wrong because I'm a good influence." "Not on me you're not."

"And why's that?" "Because you're like a drug, once you're hooked you can't tell when enough is enough." "So what would happen if I just walked out of your life?"

"I don't know." "Well I do." I said slamming the door. This boy just doesn't know how to make up his mind and I'm sick and tired of the bullshit he's put me through. Why do I think he's gonna change every time even though I know damn well that he isn't.

As soon as I got home I took a shower and changed into pajamas. I decided to lay in bed because I barely got any sleep. As I was drifting off Lexi walked into my room.

"Oh my gosh I feel like I'm gonna die." She said jumping on the bed right next to me.

"How many drinks did you have?" "I have no idea, but it was definitely too many." "Well I paid Nick to watch you, but he clearly didn't listen." "Yeah clearly not."

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