"What? You can't refuse, sorry not sorry," Louis smirked when Harry pouted.

"Fine, um- Fuck Phoebe, Marry Monica, and Kill Rachel."

"Really? That's interesting."

"Thank you, I love when I'm interesting, it's very rare." Harry said smiling.

"Oh please, you're always interesting," Louis said, poking one of Harry's dimples teasingly.

"Okay, let's see, Avril Lavigne, Taylor Swift, and Camila Cabello."

As Louis thought about it, the more he realized he didn't want to fuck any of them really. Of course he would marry Avril, because she was his queen, but sex? With any of them? That just seemed gross. That wasn't weird was it? No, he just wasn't attracted to any of them like that. Or any girls, he thought deep down, but he had become a pro at ignoring his thoughts.

"Fuck, Camila, marry Avril, and kill Taylor."

The game went on like that for a while, until it was Harry's turn, "Cristiano Ronaldo, Ivanka Trump, and....ME!"

Without thinking about it, Louis answered quickly, "Fuck Cristiano Ronaldo, kill Ivanka Trump, and I'd marry you Harry."

After realizing what he had just said and how he chose to kill the only female listed, he added, "Because it rhymes." Nice save Louis, he congratulated himself.

"Really? That's interesting," Harry mocked then laughed out loud, slapping a hand over his mouth, to Louis's disappointment. Louis thought his laugh was cute, why did the boy want to cover it?

"Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna change now," Louis said as he stood up, walking towards his drawers. He shuffled through and pulled out some sweatpants. He started stripping off his clothes, and Harry was trying his absolute hardest not to watch the older boy tug off the tight shirt revealing his tummy with abs forming quickly.

Harry thought he might as well change too so he took off the shorts he had been wearing and was left in nothing but boxers and the white t-shirt he had brought to change into. They lied back down in their places on Louis's bed, facing the ceiling. It was peaceful, until Harry remembered something that made him nervous all over again.

"Erm- Louis. You know about the camping trip this weekend right?"

"Oh...yeah. My mom told me about it. We're going with your mom's boyfriend Steve right?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry."

"What? Why?"

"I don't know, it's probably not how you wanted to spend your weekend. Stuck with me in a tent in the middle of nowhere for two days," Harry sighed.

"Pfftt! It's fine, it's not like it's your fault anyways," Louis consoled, but when he saw a frown appear on the younger lad's face, he added, "plus, I don't mind being stuck in a tent in the middle of nowhere with you for two days, Harry."

"Oh-okay," Harry said with a giggle, once again covering his mouth.

"Why do you do that?" Louis questioned without thinking.

"What? Do what?"

"Ya know, hide your laugh," Louis said furrowing his eyebrows, genuinely wanting an answer.

"Um, uh, I don't know, I just don't like it very much I guess."

"It's cute don't be embarrassed," Louis said gently, "Okay goodnight now."

He turned around quickly and pulled the covers, leaving Harry a bit stunned, before blushing and whispering a soft goodnight.


A Different Light (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now