Chapter Fifteen: I Miss You

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Where are you?

And I'm so sorry

I cannot sleep, I cannot dream tonight

Brooke saw the intruder walk towards the back of the apartment, so she quietly slipped through the front door, picking up the baseball bat she left next to it. She tiptoed towards the bedroom, the bat raised high, her heart beating faster and faster with each step. As she got to the bedroom, she swiftly flicked on the lights, ready to strike the intruder but she was met with screams, as the intruder turned around.

"Peyton?!" Brooke exclaimed, her heart rate steadied, relief washed over her. Her best friend was sat on her bed, sobbing, with a bottle of liquor, wrapped in a brown paper bag, lying on her lap. "What's going on, Peyt?" Brooke sat next to her on the bed, putting a supportive arm around her shoulders.

Peyton leaned her head on Brooke's shoulder, "Jake broke up with me," she stated, before she began to cry uncontrollably once again. She grabbed the bottle, about to take a swig but Brooke intervened, taking the bottle from her.

"I think you've had enough to drink," Brooke told her best friend, putting the bottle down on the floor, then lying her down on the bed. Brooke lay next to her, holding her hand. "What happened, P. Sawyer?"

Peyton rolled closer to Brooke, "He said we needed time apart. That he couldn't fully trust me right now. He told me that it wasn't entirely my fault, what happened with Jenny, but he couldn't shake this anger towards me, so we should be apart until he can get over it, so he doesn't take out his frustration on me." Hot tears ran down her cheeks, falling onto Brooke's arm.

Brooke softly stroked Peyton's hair. "Hey, that's not so bad, Peyt! He made it clear that the door isn't closed for you guys in the future, and at least he isn't blaming you for what happened to Jenny." Peyton made no response. Brooke looked down to see that she had fallen asleep on her shoulder. Not wanting to disturb her distraught best friend, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep as well.


Bright light seeped in through the curtains. The screeching and cawing of birds awoke Brooke from a deep sleep. Sleepily, she rubbed her eyes for a while, trying to adjust her eyes to the light. She noticed blonde curls emerging from beneath her duvet. The blonde sat up, clutching her forehead, looking confusedly at her best friend.

"Why am I here?" Peyton asked. "I don't remember being here."

"Luckily for you, I remember everything," Brooke began, "I remember that you scared the shit out of me, by breaking into my apartment. Then I found you sat on my bed, crying and drinking some booze. You were sad because Jake broke up with you, remember?"

Peyton flopped back down onto the bed. "Oh god, Brooke. I am so sorry. I do kinda remember that now. My phone died, and instead of charging it, I decided it'd be a good idea to come over here, but I guess you weren't home."

Brooke stood up from the bed, grabbing Peyton's hand and pulling her up too. She lead her into the living area, sitting her on the couch, before going to the kitchen and pouring her a glass of water and grabbing her some painkillers. She walked over to the blonde, passing her the pills and water. Peyton swallowed the pills, and gulped down the rest of the glass in one go.

"What time is it?" Peyton asked.

"It's 7:25 in the AM," Brooke replied.

"Ugh, so early," Peyton lay down on the couch.

"No way, P. Sawyer. We're gonna be late for school, if you carry on like this." Brooke grabbed Peyton by the shoulders, sitting her upright. "Want me to fix you some breakfast? It'll have to be something quick, cereal or toast?"

"Toast please, B. Davis," Peyton responded.

"Go get ready for school, while I make breakfast. You can borrow some of my clothes, and I have a spare toothbrush in the bathroom." Brooke informed Peyton.

Peyton stood up, reluctantly, walking to the bedroom. "Yes, sir."

Brooke shoved two slices of bread into the toaster, before grabbing a bowl to pour herself some cereal. She finished up the breakfast, and began eating her cereal as Peyton came back from the bedroom, dressed in a pair of denim jeans and a tight, white t-shirt. She walked over to the counter, where her toast was, and devoured it quickly. After, finishing her cereal, Brooke quickly ran into the bathroom to brush her teeth and apply some make-up, before running to the bedroom to get dressed. She came out in a black, mini-skirt and a red, off-the-shoulder sweater. She grabbed her handbag, before linking arms with her best friend, making their way to school.


Brooke and Peyton pulled up to Tree Hill High at 8:10AM, meaning they had 20 minutes before any classes started. Lucas was waiting by Brooke's parking space, when they pulled up, and greeted Brooke with a kiss as she exited her car.

"Good morning, pretty girl," Lucas said, pressing a kiss on her lips once again.

"Good morning, boyfriend," Brooke responded flirtatiously.

Peyton looked on at the couple, frowning slightly. Brooke noticed the disheartened look on her best friend's face, and immediately went over to hug her. "It's gonna be okay, Peyt. I promise." Brooke issued for Lucas to come over and join the hug, which he complied to.

As the hug broke up, Peyton smiled slightly. "Thanks for everything, Brooke. I'm gonna go for a quick walk, I need to clear my head."

"No problem. Meet me at the end of school, okay?" Peyton nodded at Brooke, before walking away.

Lucas grabbed Brooke's hand, intertwining his fingers with hers, as they walked towards English class. "So what was all that about?" Lucas asked Brooke, concerned.

Brooke sighed. "Jake broke up with Peyton," she informed him.

Lucas looked shocked. "No way, that's terrible. I knew he was a little mad, but I didn't expect him to do that!"

"Apparently, he doesn't blame her but he just can't look at her the same right now, and doesn't want to take his frustrations out on her. He made it clear that the door is still open for them to try again in the future, though." Brooke explained.

"That's not so bad then," Lucas replied. "It's a shame that not all couples can be as happy as we are."

Brooke blushed slightly. "It really is, isn't it?"

Lucas decided to change the subject, as they were walking down the school halls. "So, are you coming over later?"

Brooke pondered, momentarily. "Maybe, but I think I'm gonna keep an eye on Peyton for a while. I was planning on taking her shopping later, that always helps heal a broken heart."

"That sounds great, Brooke. You're an awesome friend." Lucas smiled at his girlfriend, but was interrupted by another voice.

"Awesome friend? Guys, I know you're talking about me. Stop, you'll make me blush." Lucas looked up to see his best friend, Haley James. Well, Haley James Scott, now.

"Hey Hales, how's it going?" Lucas let go of Brooke's hand and hugged his friend.

"It's going fine, actually. I just got done at the tutoring centre and now I'm headed to English. Yay! How're you guys?" Haley asked in response.

Brooke replied. "We're great actually, and just so you know, we were totally talking about you." She winked at Haley.

"Knew it," she replied, with a smile.

"Why don't you prove it, and come shopping with me and Peyton later? She's kinda heartbroken right now, so it'd be nice for her to have some girl time." Brooke pleaded with Haley.

"Count me in," she replied. "Anyway, gotta go. I'll call you later. See you guys!"

"Bye, Hales," Brooke and Lucas, said in unison, before rejoining hands and continuing on to English

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